Forums > Suggestions > User Defined Game Groups

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Indra was here (20756) on 6/2/2014 12:13 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Why didn't I think of this 10 freakin' years ago? -_-

You know, like in IMDb. Also subject to the game browser if selected. For the most part, user lists are limited, non-searchable, and no one really visits a user's page unless we're stalking someone. o_o

Haven't touched my have/want lists in years.

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Cavalary (11445) on 6/2/2014 12:41 PM · Permalink · Report

Hm? You have BiA in the RPG Hall of Legends but not BaK?

And the boat crash in Bloodlines is patched by 1.2, doesn't need fan patches. Heck, I got that far with 1.1.

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Rola (8483) on 6/2/2014 12:43 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

=== NO ===

I really dislike this messy solution IMDb or GOG uses. "top 50 actresses I'd like to score"

Want an own list? You can already create another "have list", name it and make it public. Like you already did.

But please do make groups submitable by regular contributors.

Please do improve the "have list" / "want list" interface. Then use that to replace current "playlist" to make something like backloggery. If people register at that site for the sake of such list... why can't we do that too?

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Indra was here (20756) on 6/2/2014 1:13 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Rola wrote--]I really dislike this messy solution IMDb or GOG uses. "top 50 actresses I'd like to score [/Q --end Rola wrote--]Well, there's about several hundred IMDb users that appears to be liking it just fine. Though mind you, these groups won't show up on a game's rapsheet. Should only show up in the search engine and only if selected.

We've been here for a decade. If our average audience hasn't reached a few thousand per day, someone is doing it wrong. Very wrong.

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Rola (8483) on 6/2/2014 5:35 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Many people like Web2.0 stupidities like "tag cloud", but that fact alone doesn't make this feature good (only trendy).

First make regular groups cross-searchable (way more important). Then we can talk about those user lists.

EDIT: you can search for game titles in the "have/want lists" of other users:

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Cavalary (11445) on 6/2/2014 1:48 PM · Permalink · Report

It'll just take adding another option to the lists. Now have public and private, on public lists you'd need to add searchable (or browseable, or... something), to be able to browse them or do a keyword search for the list name instead of user or game. And of course they won't necessarily be labeled have or want lists anymore, as they'd often include games that are neither for that particular user.