Moby ID: 11030
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Åkesoft was a Finnish group of a few 15 year old boys, who released various humouristic games and demos in the middle of the 90's. All releases were free of charge and quickly spread on BBS-systems, floppies and the Internet. Although the products were simple and often badly coded, their humour was an instant hit among Finnish youth.
Åkesoft apparently went "out of business" after a court case. The group had used their Bepa Quest game for bullying a kid in the school. At the end of the game the player is given a phone number and told that it can be used for ordering anal sex. The number actually belonged to the bullied kids family and their business. They had to change the number after kids around Finland started calling asking for anal sex. Also, the kid who was being bullied and his little brother had to switch to another school. The members of Åkesoft were ordered to pay a large amount of money as compensation for the family. After the case Åkesoft ceased to release new games.
Credited on 1 Game
Inva-taxi (1994 on DOS) |
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