Vindico Technologies Ltd.

Moby ID: 14643

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Vindico Technologies Ltd. is a company located in Buckinghamshire, UK. It is responsible for the Deliver2Mac digital download portal for Macintosh games.

Credited on 12 Games from 2006 to 2010

Championship Manager 2010 (2009 on Windows, Macintosh)
Hearts of Iron III (2009 on Windows, Macintosh)
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (2009 on Windows, Xbox 360, Macintosh...)
A Vampyre Story (2008 on Windows, Macintosh)
X³: Terran Conflict (2008 on Windows, Macintosh, Linux)
Crusader Kings Complete (2008 on Windows, Macintosh)
Murder in the Abbey (2008 on Windows, Macintosh)
Championship Manager 2008 (2007 on Windows, Macintosh)
Victoria Complete Pack (2007 on Windows, Macintosh)
Europa Universalis III (2007 on Windows, Macintosh)
Alien Shooter: Vengeance (2006 on Windows, Macintosh, OnLive)
X³: Reunion (2005 on Linux, Windows, Macintosh)


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