Moby ID: 2140
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Wah-Software was an independent game development studio based in Finland. Most likely established around 1997, it was founded by Atte Ilvessuo and his brother Antti Ilvessuo created graphics for the games. The studio debuted with the freeware top-down shooter Alien Phobia in 1997, followed by shareware 3D flying game Phase2 and then a sequel to their first game: Phobia II (1998). They also created their own Windows 3D engine called MetaSpace, supporting 3DFX and OpenGL. For its fourth and final game, the shareware title BoaBite3D, the studio signed a management deal with IncaGold to represent the game. It was released in 1999.
In 2000 Atte announced to give up his database job at LPG ltd to work part time at Housemarque and spend more time on the WAH Software projects. In April 2000 the studio announced to start working on JAVA games in cooperation with Axentor Solutions. In September of the same year a change of company structure was announced. In November the company Red Lynx Laboratories Ltd. was revealed, owned by the two brothers. Red Lynx would handle all commercial software, while WAH-Software would be maintained by for non-commercial products. BoaBite3D was moved to the new company, but also the freeware shooter Phobia III eventually released in 2002. By then, the Wah-Software studio was most likely already abandoned and the website was discontinued by 2003.
Credited on 4 Games from 1997 to 1999
BoaBite3D (1999 on Windows) |
Phobia II (1998 on Windows) |
Phase2 (1998 on DOS) |
Alien Phobia (1997 on DOS) |
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Contact information (1999)
Raiviosuonmäki 4 D 50
01620 Vantaa
Website: http://www.wah-software.net/
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