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Carmen Sandiego in Japan

Moby ID: 143886

PC-98 credits (1989)

52 people with 57 credits.


Original Program (オリジナル・プログラム) Dane Bigham
Original Owner (オリジナル所有者) Yutaka Sato (Noshiro in JAPAN)

Staff (スタッフ)

Producer (監督) 大村 由紀 (大村由紀)
Director (演出) Kazumoto Fukutomi (福冨一元)
Program (プログラム) 池谷 義昭 (池谷義昭), 高原 誠 (高原 誠)
Questions (出題) 大村 由紀 (大村由紀), Kazumoto Fukutomi (福冨一元)
Scenario (脚本) Haruhisa Ishizuka (石塚晴久)
Manual (マニュアル) 大村 由紀 (大村由紀), Haruhisa Ishizuka (石塚晴久), Yutaka Sato (Noshiro) (佐藤 豊 (能代))
Support (協力) SystemSoft Corp. [株式会社システムソフト]
Production Support (制作協力) Aomori Prefecture Tourism and Products Tokyo Service Center [青森県観光物産東京サービスセンター], Iwate Prefecture Department of Commerce, Industry and Labor Tourism and Products Division [岩手県商工労働部観光物産課], Miyagi Prefecture Tourism and Products Service Center [宮城県観光物産サービスセンター], Akita Prefecture Tourism Federation [秋田県観光連盟], Yamagata Prefecture Tourism Association Tokyo Center [山形県観光協会 東京センター], Fukushima Prefecture Tourism Federation Tokyo Tourist Information Center [福島県観光連盟東京観光案内所], Ibaraki Prefecture Tokyo Commerce and Industry Tourism Office [茨城県東京商工観光事務所], Tochigi Prefecture Tokyo Office Tourism Officer [栃木県東京事務所 観光担当], Gunma Prefecture Tokyo Bussan Tourism Office [群馬県東京物産観光事務所], Saitama Prefectural Office Commercial Tourism Division [埼玉県庁商業観光課], Chiba Prefectural Tourism Organization Tokyo Information Center [千葉県観光公社東京案内所], Niigata Prefecture Tourism Division [新潟県観光課], Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route [立山黒部アルペンルート], Ishikawa Prefecture Tourism and Products Tokyo Information Center [石川県観光物産東京案内所], Fukui Prefecture Tokyo Office [福井県東京事務所], Nagano Prefecture Commerce, Industry and Tourism Division Tokyo Office [長野県商工観光課東京事務所], Yamanashi Prefecture Tokyo Bussan Tourism Center [山梨県東京物産観光センター], Takayama City Tourism Division [高山市観光課], Shizuoka Prefecture Tokyo Tourist Information Center [静岡県東京観光案内所], Nagoya Castle Management Office [名古屋城管理事務所], Shiga Prefecture Tokyo Products and Tourism Agency [滋賀県東京物産観光斡旋所], Mie Prefecture Tokyo Office [三重県東京事務所], Wakayama Prefecture Tokyo Office Tourism and Products Center [和歌山県東京事務所観光物産センター], Osaka Tourism Association [大阪観光協会], Himeji City/Himeji Tourism Association [姫路市・姫路観光協会], Tottori Prefecture, Commerce, Industry and Labor Department, Trade and Tourism Division [鳥取県商工労働部通商観光課, Shimane Prefecture Town General Affairs and Tourism Division [島根県町総務観光課], Hiroshima City Hall Tourism Division [広島市役所観光課], Okayama Prefecture Tourism Federation Tokyo Branch Tokyo Tourist Information Center [岡山県観光連盟東京支部東京観光案内所], Yamaguchi Prefecture Products Association Tokyo Branch [山口県物産協会東京支部], Tokushima Prefecture Tourism Association [徳島県観光協会], Kagawa Prefecture Tokyo Tourism and Products Center [香川県東京観光物産センター], Ehime Prefecture Products Association [愛媛県物産協会], Kochi Prefecture Tokyo Office [高知県東京事務所], Fukuoka Prefecture Tokyo Bussan Tourism Office [福岡県東京物産観光事務所], Saga Prefecture Products Tourism Tokyo Center [佐賀県物産観光東京センター], Nagasaki Prefecture Tokyo Office Tourism and Products Center [長崎県東京事務所観光物産センター], Kumamoto Prefecture Ginza Kumamotokan Public Relations and Economics Division [熊本県銀座熊本館広報経済課], Oita Prefecture Tokyo Office Products and Tourism Division [大分県東京事務所物産観光課], Miyazaki Prefecture Tokyo Products and Tourism Agency [宮崎県東京物産観光斡旋所], Kagoshima Prefecture Tourism Federation [鹿児島県観光連盟], Okinawa Prefecture Tourism Federation Tokyo Guidebook [沖縄県観光連盟東京案内状]
©1985 Brøderbund Software
©1989 Brøderbund Japan
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MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

Credits contributed by j.raido 【雷堂嬢太朗】.