The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age

aka: A Gyűrűk Ura: A Harmadkor, Der Herr der Ringe: Das dritte Zeitalter, El Señor de los Anillos: La Tercera Edad , Il Signore degli Anelli: La Terza Era , LOTR: 3rd Age, Le Seigneur des Anneaux: Le Tiers Age, O Senhor dos Anéis: A Terceira Era, Pán Prstenů: Třetí Věk, Sagan om den Tredje Tidsåldern: Härskarringen, The Lord of the Rings: Uchitsu Kuni Daisanki, Wladca Pierscieni: Trzecia Era
Moby ID: 19975
The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (PlayStation 2) screenshot: Berethor is perpetually puzzled.
The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (PlayStation 2) screenshot:
Berethor is perpetually puzzled.

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Added: January 2, 2013
Contributed by: Kyle Levesque