Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
Bosi Wangzi: Wangzhe Wushuan,
PoP: T2T,
PoP: The Two Thrones,
Prince of Persia 3,
Prince of Persia 3: Les Deux Royaumes,
Prince of Persia: Dva Trůny,
Prince of Persia: Dwa Trony,
Prince of Persia: Futatsu no Tamashii,
Prince of Persia: I Due Troni,
Prince of Persia: Kindred Blades,
Prince of Persia: Las Dos Coronas,
Prince of Persia: Rival Swords
Moby ID: 20384

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Added: December 15, 2005
Contributed by: UV