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Titanic: Adventure Out of Time

aka: Titanic: Avontuur in de Tijd, Titanic: Eine interaktive Reise, Titanic: Odwróć Bieg Historii, Titanic: Uma Aventura Suspensa No Tempo, Titanic: Une aventure hors du temps
Moby ID: 2892

[ Macintosh ] [ Windows ] [ Windows 16-bit ]

Macintosh credits (1996)

182 people (102 professional roles, 80 thanks) with 241 credits.


DreamFactory Technology William C. Appleton
Programming Todd Appleton
Scripting Todd Appleton
Writer Andrew Nelson
Producer Andrew Nelson
Associate Producer Amy Rushton
Art Director Michael Kennedy
3D Design Paul Haskins, Michael Kennedy, Alex Tschetter, Jamie Wicks
3D Animation Paul Haskins, Michael Kennedy, Alex Tschetter, Jamie Wicks
2D Design Director Bob Clouse
2D Design Ani Chang, Billy Davenport
2D Animation Ani Chang, Billy Davenport
Music Director Scott Scheinbaum
Sound Director Scott Scheinbaum
Music Design Erik Holt
Sound Design Erik Holt
Additional 3D Design Eric Merritt, Christopher Creek
Additional 2D Design Alan Mazzan
Assistant Programmer Carson Herrick
Interface Design Bob Clouse
Beta Testing Tom Appleton, Amy Rushton
Continuity Tom Appleton, Amy Rushton
Historical Advisor Bill Sauder
Additional Writers Leslie Horowitz, George Malko, Geoffrey Proud, Zak Weisfeld
Production Interns Brian Anderson, Christian Biddle, Jason Gurly, Heather Locke, Veronica Michaelides, Paul Weaver
Actors Kevin Garrett (Sasha Barbicon), Erik S. Quist (Eric Burns), Stephanie B. Quist (Stephanie Burns), Lona Livingston (Daisy Cashmore), Michael Prescott (Andrew Conkling), Jennifer Coffin (Beatrix Conkling), Tom Appleton (Vlad Demonic), Stefano Magaddino (Henry Gorse-Jones), Judy D. Haston (Ribeena Gorse-Jones), Austin Staub (Edward Hacker), Jay Staub (Jack Hacker), Michelle Papa (Shailagh Hacker), Joe Loesch (Lord Charles Lambeth), Biz Lyon (Lady Georgia Lambeth), Eric Whited (Lift Attendant), Stacey Heinecke (Claris Limehouse), Pamela Hurley (Penny Pringle), James Richardson (The Purser), Rand Cabus (Buick Riviera), Alex Tschetter (Seaman 1), Michael Kennedy (Seaman 2), Bob Clouse (Seaman 3), Tom Parkhill (Max Seidelmann), Terry Sneed (John Smethells), Douglas C. Rocket (Stoker), Phil Campbell (Leyland Sachem Trask), Ed Wright (The Rev. Edgar Troutt), William Bensen (Colonel Zeitel)
Voices Alice Arnold, Jeff Call, Corrie Corfield, Bill Counts, Alan Dedicoat, Jane Doll, Peter Donaldson, Gordon Fudge, Emmet Furrow, Nancy L. Harless, Anna Hill, Erik Holt, Marcus Longmuir, Richard Major, Sarah Macnaughton, Jayne E. Morgan, Rory Morrison, Bill Murphey, Brian Perkins, Michael Prescott, Erik S. Quist, Stephanie B. Quist, Jonathan Reding, Scott Scheinbaum, Dave Stair, Mike Stanley, Lynn Talley, David J. Trainer, Penny Underwood
Digital Photography Bruce Cole, Jay Nevans
Costume Design Stephen Brown
Assistant Costumer Patrick Miller
Hair Design Stephen Brown
Make-Up Design Myra White
Casting Ani Chang, Erik Holt, Andrew Nelson
3D Character Design Michael Kennedy
Additional Design Michael Gilmore
Lead Cyberpuppet Artist Ani Chang
Lead Cyberpuppet Animator Steven McBride
Cyberpuppet Animators Tom Appleton, Christian Biddle, Blue Branton, Bob Clouse, Trey Counce, Mark Frizzell, Paul Haskins, Carson Herrick, Molly Johnson, Deena Kaousias, Heather Locke, Amy Rushton, Alex Tschetter, Paul Weaver
The Tour Written by Martha Hume
The Tour White Paper by Benneth Morrow
The Tour Programming Todd Appleton
Additional Art Bob Clouse
Photo Research William Broyles
Photo Credits Imax Incorporated, The Bill Sauder Collection, Southhampton City Council, Titanic Historical Society, Ulster Folk & Transport Museum
Clut Design Bob Clouse, Billy Davenport, Robb Dean, Michael Kennedy
Titanic Logo Design Alan Mazzan
Rubaiyat Hypertext Jonas Tankersly
Hypertext Design Bob Clouse
Credits Blue Branton, Bob Clouse, Alan Mazzan
Installation and Gameplay Guides Deena Kaousias, David L. Haynes, Erik S. Quist
Software and Network Support Mark Frizzell, Don McCasland, Ian McLean, Jay Nevans
Marketing Director Rand Cabus
Public Relations and Propaganda David L. Haynes, Deena Kaousias, Alan Mazzan
Administration Blue Branton, Erik S. Quist
Special Thanks To Ben Calica, Danielle, The Discovery Channel, Lynn Folsom, Haltwhistle-England, Kristin Harter, J. C. Herz, Ed Knowling, Bryan Lavietes, Tamara Loomis, Tom McCann, Macey, Becky Memnhamblin, Veronica Michaelides, Maria Palazzi, Eric Payne, Radio 4 Presentations, Eric Ransdell, Mike Stanley, Jay Staub, Lee Staub, Robert Toal (Dr.), University of Tennessee Fencing Club, Shelley Williams, Isao Yonehara, Walter Lord
Archive Photo Credits Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, National Archives and Records Administration, Still Picture, The Elena Zimmerman Collection
Corporate Thanks To Alias Wavefront, Bryan Allan, Marla Baklin, 5555 Communications, Jim Delap, the Incurable Collector Bookstore, Digidesign, Leonard Houston, the Hodges Library at the University of Tennessee, Doug Klein, Omniview, Opcode, Jeremy Sagan, United Kingdom Passport Agency, Jayme Wilkenson, Oak Ridge Community Playhouse, Ron Williams, Elena Zimmerman, David Norr, Great Eastern Technology, Rob Bone, Todd Bone, XS International, Michael McBee, Computer Specialists, the East Tennessee Post Card Club

GTE Entertainment

Corporate Thanks Steve Halpern, Lori Nichols, Sal Parascandolo, Robert Huffman, Steve Black, Linda Bradbury, Karen Brake, Garry Cole, Mark Dillon, Brent Freeman, Nicole Grani, Damon Holzborn, Michael Kaye, Stephen King, Dick Larkin, Valerie Motis, Michael Nelson, Tim Pivnicny, Ron Resnick, Dick Robinson, Jason Salecki, Rik Sandoval, Paul Symczak, Mike Yuen
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Credits contributed by Zeppin.