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Time Mysteries: Inheritance

aka: Time Mysteries: A Herança, Time Mysteries: La stirpe, Time Mysteries: Arven, Time Mysteries: Arvet, Time Mysteries: Das Erbe, Time Mysteries: De Nalatenschap, Time Mysteries: El Legado, Time Mysteries: L'Héritage
Moby ID: 81912
Time Mysteries: Inheritance (Windows) screenshot: In order to travel through time and retrieve the magic rings we must collect things from the period we're going to. Here we're off to the Middle Ages hence the crossbow etc
Time Mysteries: Inheritance (Windows) screenshot:
In order to travel through time and retrieve the magic rings we must collect things from the period we're going to. Here we're off to the Middle Ages hence the crossbow etc

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Added: July 6, 2018
Contributed by: piltdown_man