Game Groups > Game feature: In-game screenshot capture
Games that have a built-in screenshot capture feature which is either accessible via menu or a shortcut key. The captured screenshot is of the in-game or cut-scene as is. The capture option doesn't allow you to change the camera or anything but captured the game during gameplay or game pause.
- Game must provide the capture feature, not the system it is being played on (i.e. PS4 has a built-in capture button, but that is a system's feature, not a game's feature)
- Captured screenshots must be dumped in a viewable format (bmp, jpg, etc.) on a hard drive, not in some in-game gallery that can only be viewed through the game
- Capturing shots using in-game camera photo mode does not capture the actual gameplay screenshot but only what your character can capture with a camera, and such cases are not part of this group either
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- Games that add logo and/or copyright on screenshot capture
- Games with downloadable official map/level editors
- Genre: Arena shooter
- Retail releases with faction/character-specific cover variants
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