Game Groups > Gameplay feature: Transformation
Games that allow the player character to transform into another character or species, either as part of the main game or as part of a side-quest.
Some games might allow players to transform between the two (or more) forms at will, whilst others might dictate when the player is able to transform.
- The player character must physically transform and the transformation should ideally be acknowledged by the game. Character-swapping does not count.
- This game group does not include games where transformations are limited only to power-ups.
- Games where the player transforms at the start of the story but does not transform back do not belong in this game group. Transformation has to be an integral part of gameplay.
- Mechanical transformations do not count. The player character must physically change into something that they were not originally.
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- Gameplay feature: Armor / weapon sets
- Gameplay feature: Beast riding & beast attacking
- Gameplay feature: Dragon flying / riding
- Inspiration: TV cartoons
- Physical Bonus Content: Comic
- Physical Bonus Content: World Map
- Protagonist: Female (option)
- Protagonist: Vampire
- Protagonist: Visually customizable character
- Theme: Werewolves
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