Game Groups > 3D Engine: Havok Vision Engine \ Vision \ Vulpine Vision
Games using a version of the Vulpine Vision engine, later renamed Vision engine and in 2011 Havok Vision Engine (original or modified), developed by Havok. It is multi-threaded and optimized for Windows (DirectX 9 through 11), Windows Apps, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 / Vita, Nintendo Wii / Wii U, iOS and Android, as well as most major browsers. The Vision Engine also supports all major contemporary services, such as XBLA, PlayStation Network, and WiiWare. It also ships with WebVision, a full-featured 3D game engine for browser-based games. It was renamed Havok Vision Engine after the engine and original developer were acquired by Havok in 2011.
It was originally an engine by Trinigy GmbH used for different platforms including PC, Xbox, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and it was first launched in 2003. It also incorporates Kynapse A.I. by Kynogon since March 2006. The engine was previously known as Vulpine Vision. On 21st August 2006, the game engine was integrated with the Novodex engine, the physics engine powering the PhysX technology from AGEIA Technologies, Inc..
Related links
- Havok Vision Engine (official product page; archived)
- Wikipedia: Vision (game engine) (article in the open encyclopedia)
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