🏆 Congrats to August's top contributors! Top 3: Tim Janssen, Koterminus and Plok
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Contribution Score: 12,158 (+350 in last year)
Member Since: January 15, 2011
Location: Co. Donegal, Ireland
Messages Posted: 4
This user has a developer profile on MobyGames.
About Me:

Hi my name is Stephen Doherty aka Éiregamer94!

I'm 30 and I live in Lifford which is in Co. Donegal in the northwest of Ireland.

I am an absolute fanatic of video games and computers, which is my overall favourite pastime! I also love the Pokémon franchise, as I think it is absolutely one of the most excellent video game franchises, EVA!!!

I mostly love to upload European video gaming covers, though I may stumble upon non-European covers as well!

I am absolutely honoured to become a member of the Mobygames community since January 2011 and I hope to contribute as much video game information, cover art and much more as I can!

So, all I have to say is... "Riail cluichí Físeáin an saol!!!!" In other words, video games rule the world!!!! ;)