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click here to win an iPhone9SSSS

Contribution Score: 2,261 (+0 in last year)
Member Since: December 29, 2014
Messages Posted: 23
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Congratulations! You were picked ouf ot the last 100,000 who came to this page as the sole winner of an iDiot 11SSS, an Apple model that will be released on the consumer market only in 2009.

It is to be underlined that the iDiot 11SSS is the only one featuring full compatibility with Tale of Tales games, a privilege not even the iDiot 11SS shares. And by the way, as we are reckless mongers, we prepared a package as exclusive as we ourselves: you can't miss it, if you want to be at the top of the... cr..op. It's an iDiot 11SSS + all Tale of Tales games in a new fashion, the Archextravagant version, available at the special price of only $4000 for next 7 hours (it will be fit into a bundle of 10 games selling at total $3 on Bundle Stars short after, that's the destiny of this precious kind of art, but this is another topic).

Be as exclusive as we are, Buy It Now, it might be your last chance!