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Game Contributions

Item Contributed How Points Are Calculated # Submitted Points Awarded
Games added to game groupings ΒΌ point per game added to group 387 96
New Game Entries 2 points per new game entry 5,202 10,396
Game Technical Information 1 point per game tech-info 3 3
Alternate Game Titles 1 point per alternate game title 375 374
Game Release Information 1 point per game release info 7,644 7,640
Game Descriptions 4 points per game description 5,210 20,824
Game Trivia 1 point per game trivia 11 11
Game Screenshots 2 points per game screenshot 43,025 85,990
Cover Art (box covers/etc) 3 points per game cover art 5,818 17,454
Game Credits 2 points per entry, plus 0.25 points per credit 3,623 9,183
Promotional Images Β½ point per game promo image 1,135 567
Product Codes (UPC/EAN/etc.) ΒΌ point per game product code 4 1
Game Relations Β½ point per game relation 1,880 931
Game Company 1 point per game company 8,744 8,740
Game Corrections 1 point per game correction 70 70

Company Contributions

Item Contributed How Points Are Calculated # Submitted Points Awarded
Companies 1 point per company 713 713
Company trivia 1 point per company trivia 4 4
Company history 1 point per company history 1 1
Company overviews 1 point per company overview 3 3
Company alternate names 1 point per alternate company name 776 776
Company Logo 1 point per company logo 11 11
Company Corrections 1 point per company correction 18 18

Developer Contributions

Item Contributed How Points Are Calculated # Submitted Points Awarded
Developer Corrections 1 point per developer correction 19 19

Other Contributions

Item Contributed How Points Are Calculated # Submitted Points Awarded
Revisions varying points per revision 236 72