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Contribution Score: 329 (+0 in last year)
Member Since: May 3, 2004
Homepage: http://www.designvortex.com
About Me:

I started playing computer games in a quite obsessive manner in 1986, on my very first Atari 1040 STF. I then added a couple more Ataris to my collection (a 1040 STE and a Mega STE with a HARD DISK! I was so proud :) ) and, later on, an Amiga 1000.

My passion didn't end there, with those older platforms. I then purchased a PC (A Pentium 100 with Windows 3.1) and continued playing games and exploring all the wonderful things a computer has to offer.

I contribute to MobyGames because I'm a big nostalgic, and I can see the historical value of such an extensive database. I think it's wonderful to remember and give credit to all those old games that made me dream in the past. They should never be forgotten.