Shrek 2

aka: Shrek 2: Equipe de choc, Shrek 2: Team Action, Shrek 2: Tutti in azione!
Moby ID: 13512

The Adventure Continues! With All New Characters and Far-Out Locations Never Seen Before!

*Play as a team of 4 through a variety of twisted journeys.

*Switch between Shrek and 9 of his pals... each with their own powers.

*Test your skills in mini quests created for each character.

*Interact with totally new characters and locations.


Back of Case

Grimm and bear it.

Shrek's life is an open book for you to play through.

In Shrek 2, our cranky but lovable ogre sets out to meet the parents of Fiona, his new bride. If meeting the 'rents weren't pressure enough, Shrek must put up with the Donkey's incessant blabbing and other hassles of long-distance travel. Big-hearted as ever, Shrek can't turn down a request for a helping hand from the crazy characters he meets along the way.


  • Play as 10 characters from the movie
  • Wander through 12 fairy-tale chapters
  • Single or co-op play for one to four players
  • Combination of exploration, combat and puzzle-solving

In each chapter, Shrek and three friends travel as a group, helping dwarves, blind mice and others. Each party member has a special attribute, from Donkey's powerful Burro Blast to Fiona's ability to stop time. But all four must also work together to solve puzzles. For example, one might need to stand on a switch so another can go up on a platform. Shrek and pals also need to collect coins so they can pay tolls at gates and bridges.

Solo players control only one character at a time, but can press the L or R Buttons to take control of a different character. The C Stick allows limited rotation of the game's camera.

At key moments in the story, the spotlight falls on a single character, who must prove his (or her) stuff in a sequence called Hero Time. Donkey, for example, hops on the back of his partner-for-life Dragon and chases Fiona in a runaway carriage, while Shrek must single-handedly subdue a mob and toss the participants in the paddy wagon.

Bottom Line

Shrek 2 is a jolly celebration of camaraderie, high spirits and bad hygiene. Slot in multiple Controllers for co-op fun that goes on and on.

Source: – GameCube

Shrek, der grüne Oger darf in aberwitzigen Situationen abermals seine humoristische Ader ausleben. Zusammen mit seinen Gefährten Prinzessin Fiona, Donkey, dem Pfefferkuchenmann und weiteren Fabelwesen erwarten die wilde Horde heiße Abenteuer mit viel Situationskomik. Im Spiel zum Film erlebt der Spieler die Fimhandlung hautnah und hat zudem noch die Möglichkeit, viele Extras zu ergattern...

Source: (German)

Shrek 2 - THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES. OWN THE GAME NOW. * Explore scenes from the movie and all-new twisted locations as characters from the film and beyond. * Switch between team members to utilise their unique powers. * Experience way-out adventures with 3 of your friends in multiplayer mode.


PlayStation 2 Official Magazine UK #049 - Page 86

The same twisted Shrek 2 adventure that was a hit on the console is now available for PC!

In Shrek 2: Team Action you can play as Shrek and 9 of his pals as they take the dangerous journey to the kingdom of Far Far Away. Battle Prince Charming, a massive troll, the vicious Fairy Godmother – and a whole host of twisted fairytale villains. Control Shrek, Donkey, Gingerbread Man, Lil’ Red, Fiona and others, each with their own special fighting moves that leave the bad guys in their dust.

This multi-player adventure takes you and up to three friends through new and classic Shrek 2 environments; introduces you to new characters; and gives select members of Shrek’s team a solo adventure in mini-quests called "Hero Time."

Four controllable characters adventure on-screen at the same time, giving you the ability to switch among them. With easy-to-use keyboard controls and handheld controller options, you and your friends can fully experience the Shrek 2 world in all its fairytale fun.


Publisher site

The green-hued ogre with a Scottish brogue returns for his second movie adventure, with Activision cannily following suit on the videogame front.

With Dreamworks' guaranteed summer blockbuster smash imminent, Activision has taken over the reins from TDK Mediactive for Shrek's latest animated videogame adventures. This time, the lime green swamp-dweller returns for a team-based puzzle game which sees familiar faces from the film making appearances as playable characters.

Play as Shrek and 10 of his friends, including new characters that you won't even see in the movie, like Larry the Leprechaun and champion softballer Lil' Red.

With the new 'Buddy System', you'll play alongside three other characters at any one time. If you're playing alone, you'll be able switch between the four fairytale heroes at will, and make use of the each character's unique special abilities to help you progress. For example, Donkey's spinning 'Burro Blast' kick will open locked doors and gates, and Big Bad Wolf's 'Huff 'n' Puff' will blow enemies away with a powerful gust of breath!

However, if you're equipped with a Multitap you and up to three pals can embark on the adventure together - even if you're already in the middle of a single-player game. Together you'll visit locations taken directly from the movie as well as some that aren't, including the Dwarven Mines and the Spooky Forest. As if that wasn't entertaining enough, you'll also be kept amused by the movies' trademark hilarious dialogue and clever visual humour.

  • Switch between Shrek and three other characters and use their individual talents to accomplish missions
  • "Hero Time" mini quests give characters a chance to shine alone
  • Simultaneous four-player mode
  • Over 12 hours of gameplay
  • Visit locations and meet characters not seen in the movie


The adventure continues in Shrek 2™!

Join Shrek and his friends—including Donkey, Puss in Boots, Princess Fiona, and more—as they take on challenges from the movie and explore twisted fairy tale worlds never seen before.

Play as a team of four, switching back and forth to take advantage of each character's unique abilities to solve puzzles, fight monsters, and complete wild and dangerous missions.

  • Take on challenges as a team of four: Play simultaneously as Shrek and three of his friends. Enjoy 10 playable characters in all.
  • Go beyond the movie: In addition to key movie scenes and the film's stars, you'll encounter all-new locations and characters!
  • Use the buddy system: Switch back and forth to utilise each characters’ unique abilities.
  • Experience “Hero Time”: This new feature will help you through special mini-quests.


Contributed by Solid Flamingo, Xoleras, Starbuck the Third, tarmo888, Evil Ryu, Silverblade, DreinIX.

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