Chessmaster 5000

aka: Guoji Xiangqi Dashi 5000, Schach
Moby ID: 14

It's time you play the master.

For 10 years, Chessmaster has reigned as the leader in personal computer chess programs. With Chessmaster 5000, Mindscape takes the world's best-selling program to the next level, Windows 95--featuring a new, easy-to-use 32-bit engine for unparalleled gaming performance.

With dozens of new features, tutorials and customized enhancements, Chessmaster has something for everyone! Beginners as well as seasoned chess players will enjoy the many features, challenging gameplay and personal instruction that have made Chessmaster the world's most popular chess program over and over again.

What's new? * New, easy-to-use Windows 95 interface * A new, more powerful chess playing engine * Over 20 new tutorial models * Stunning new graphics * A huge new 27,000 game chess database * Over 30 new personalities * New coach window * Over 60 new opening books * New time controls * New audio effects and music * New TrueType chess font

What's improved? * Play online with superior modem and LAN support * 2,000 named opening variations * Enhanced import and export capability * Huge chess glossary * Enhanced Auto-Annotator


Unknown Source

Mindscape Announces Chessmaster Online -- The World's Best Chess Program Invades the Internet

Novato, CA, September 4, 1996 -- Ready to prove yourself a chess wizard? No problem! Simply point your browser to the Mindscape Chessmaster Network and download a beta version of Chessmaster Online, a rich graphical chess program that enables you to play liver over the internet with chess opponents (from beginner to advanced) worldwide for free.

The Chessmaster Network and Chessmaster Online are the first online extensions of the best-selling chess computer software of all time. Chessmaster 5000, Mindscape's newest addition to the software series, delivers dozens of realistic opponent personalities, as well as stunning texture-mapped chess pieces and boards in true 3D perspective. Once you're connected to the internet and you've downloaded the Chessmaster Online browser, you're ready to play chess against real opponents and even chat and argue about key moves and strategy -- all in real time.

"We've timed the release of this online community to coincide with the new release of the Chessmaster 5000 CD-ROM," said Mark Nieker, executive vice president and general manager, Mindscape Online Publishing. "Chessmaster 5000 ensures that Mindscape is plugged in to the chess playing community. The immense popularity of gaming on the internet combined with this unique position among chess fans has already attracted a lot of anticipation. The Chessmaster Network delivers on the internet's potential to create an online gaming forum where people can meet, play and interact -- regardless of where they live."

Though the emphasis is on competition, the Chessmaster Network home page also features a rich, dynamic offering of timely chess information. You can find details on where and when upcoming chess tournaments will be held, post and read messages in the chat hall, read regular columns from prominent figures in the chess world, learn about the history of chess, and even test your skills with a wide assortment of chess puzzles that range in difficulty from beginner to advanced skill levels. You can also subscribe to the Chessmaster Network mailing list, which will automatically keep you informed of upcoming events, news, and tournaments on the Chessmaster Network.


Mindscape, Inc. is a leading developer and publisher of consumer software for personal computers and video console systems. An industry pioneer with over fifteen years of experience, Mindscape provides award-winning software for the entertainment, education, and reference markets.

Mindscape is headquartered in Novato, CA, with offices in North America, Europe, and Australia. The company's development subsidiaries include Strategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI) of Sunnyvale, CA, and Micrologic of Emeryville, CA. Mindscape is part of Pearson, plc, the international media group based in London which focuses on the information, education, and entertainment markets.


Press Release

It's time you play the master.

For 10 years, Chessmaster has reigned as the leader in personal computer chess programs. With Chessmaster 5000, Mindscape takes the world's best-selling program to the next level, WindowsÂź 95 - featuring a new, easy-to-use 32-bit engine for unparalleled gaming performance.

With dozens of new features, tutorials and customized enhancements, Chessmaster has something for everyone! Beginners as well as seasoned chess players will enjoy the many features, challenging gameplay and personal instruction that have made Chessmaster the world's most popular chess program over and over again.

What's new?

  • New, easy-to-use Windows 95 interface
  • A new, more powerful chess playing engine
  • Over 20 new tutorial models
  • Stunning new graphics
  • A huge new 27,000 game chess database
  • Over 30 new personalities
  • New coach window
  • Over 60 new opening books
  • New time controls
  • New audio effects and music
  • New TrueType chess font

What's improved?

  • Play online with superior modem and LAN support
  • 2,000 named opening variations
  • Enhanced import and export capability
  • Huge chess glossary
  • Enhanced Auto-Annotator

What's new online?

Play head-to-head, chat and learn everything you ever wanted to know about chess at

1 to 2 players Novice to Expert


Back of Box - Windows (US)

Schachbegeisterte vom AnfĂ€nger bis zum Meister machen bei ChessMaster 5000 den richtigen Zug. Das bewĂ€hrte Schachprogramm von Mindscape analysiert blitzschnell Ihr Spiel und unterstĂŒtzt Ihren Spielaufbau durch wichtige Hinweise.

Schlage den Meister!

  • Schwierigkeitsgrad von AnfĂ€nger bis Meister frei einstellbar
  • Umfassende EinfĂŒhrung fĂŒr AnfĂ€nger
  • Datenbank mit 27.000 gespeicherten Partien
  • 30 Persönlichkeiten mit charakteristischem Spielverhalten
  • Unterschiedliche Spielbretter und Figurensets


Back of Case - Windows (DE) [SoftKey release]


AnfĂ€nger oder Meister - Das Programm „Schach" zeigt Ihnen den richtigen Zug. Die Software hilft Ihnen bei Ihrem Spielaufbau durch wichtige Hinweise, benennt die Eröffnungsvarianten, analysiert Ihr Spiel und macht auf Wunsch automatische Anmerkungen.

Die einzelnen Kapitel des integrierten Schachlernprogrammes, von den elementaren Spielregeln ĂŒber die Grundelemente der Schachstrategie bis hin zu Studien ĂŒber spezielle Problematiken, sowie der Trainingsmodus mit frei konfigurierbaren Spielpositionen, lassen Sie schon bald zu einem brillianten Schachspieler werden.

Den Gegner und dessen SpielstĂ€rke bestimmen Sie! Spielen Sie eine Partie gegen das Schachgenie Bobby Fischer. Treten Sie gegen mehrere Großmeister gleichzeitig im Turniermodus an. Das Programm simuliert die Spielweise berĂŒhmter Schachspieler. Oder spielen Sie eine Partie „online" ĂŒber Modem oder Netzwerk. Sie können das Spielbrett nach Ihren individuellen BedĂŒrfnissen gestalten und unter verschiedenen FigurensĂ€tzen, Notationsarten oder Arten der Zeitkontrolle wĂ€hlen.

Eine umfangreiche Datenbank mit 27.000 historischen Partien (erweiterbar mit eigenen Spielen), eine Eröffnungsbibliothek mit 2.000 bezeichneten Varianten und das umfassende Schachglossar mit 1.600 EintrÀgen sowie die Ausdruck-, Im- und Exportmöglichkeit von Schachpartien vervollstÀndigen das Programm.


Back of Case - Windows (DE) [Hörzu Software release]


Depuis 10 ans, CHESSMASTER s'impose comme le leader des programmes d'Ă©checs en 3D sur PC

Quel que soit votre niveau, vous retrouverez toutes les fonctions, les niveaux de jeu progressif et tous les conseils personnalisés qui font de CHESSMASTER le programme d'échecs le plusutilisé au monde!!!

Visualisez vos phases de jeux en 3D.

Utilisez la fenĂȘtre ENTRAINEUR pour bĂ©nĂ©ficier des meilleurs conseils.

  • Le programme idĂ©al pour les dĂ©butants comme pour les joueurs confirmĂ©s
  • Une base de donnĂ©es comprenant 27 000 parties d'Ă©checs dont 650 jeux historiques
  • Des effets sonores et des musiques qui illustrent vos phases de jeux
  • Un vaste glossaire desĂ©checs
  • Sauvegardez et imprimez vos jeux

1 ou 2 joueurs du débutant au champion.


Back of Case - Windows (FR) [Hits Collection release]


It's time you play the master.

Chessmaster 5000 takes the world's best-selling program to the next level with Windows 95/98 - featuring a new, easy-to-use, 32-bit engine for unparalleled gaming performance.

With dozens of new features, tutorials and customised enhancements, Chessmaster has something for everyone! Beginners as well as seasoned chess players will enjoy the many features, challenging gameplay and personal instruction that have made Chessmaster the world's most popular computer chess program over and over again.

What's new?

  • Easy-to-use WindowsÂź 95/98 interface
  • A new, world class, third generation 32-bit engine
  • Over 20 new tutorial models
  • Stunning new graphics
  • A huge new 27,000 game chess database
  • Over 30 new personalities
  • New coach window
  • Over 60 new opening books
  • New time controls
  • A New audio effects and music
  • New truetypeÂź chess font

The perfect program for beginners to advanced chess players!

  • Play chess online with superior modem and LAN support.
  • Basic teaching displays.
  • Game printing and diagramming options.
  • Quick entry feature.
  • Rate My Play.
  • 650 classic games.


Back of Case - Windows (UK) [PC Ace covermount]

Contributed by Jeanne, Brian Hirt, WONDERăȘパン.

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