Aliens: A Comic Book Adventure

aka: Aliens: Ein Comic-Strip-Abenteuer, Aliens: Un Libro di Avventure a Fumetti
Moby ID: 1516

(from back of game box)

"On a distant, isolated space outpost halfway across the galaxy, an unspeakable evil sitrs.

As Lt. Col. Henricksen, commander of a terra forming team, you must quickly respond to a mysterious distress call.
Once you've landed, you soon discover that something cruel and vicious lies beneath the outpost's surface. Something that terrifies even you.

Unravel the deadly mystery of Outpost B54-C in this mesmerizing graphic adventure, and defend against the seething horrors within."


Unknown Source

Mindscape Releases Aliens: The Comic Book Adventure on CD-ROM

In Cyberspace No One Can Hear You Scream

Novato, CA - October 31, 1995 - Halfway across the galaxy, you and your three crew members are awakened from cryosleep by a mysterious distress call from an isolated space outpost. You land, only to discover that something cruel and vicious lies beneath the outpostĂ­s surface - something that terrifies even the aliens... Based on the Dark Horse Comics series and the original 20th Century Fox blockbuster movies, Aliens: The Comic Book Adventure brings the familiar comic book characters to life with cinematic realism and a spine-chilling interactive storyline. As Lt. Col Hericksen, a battle-hardened terraformer, you must unravel the deadly mysteries of the outpost in a mesmerizing adventure that features stunning graphics, original music, and multiple action perspectives. Aliens: The Comic Book Adventure is available now on MS-DOS CD-ROM for an estimated street price of $50.

"In keeping with our commitment to license and produce outstanding multimedia games, Aliens combines the rich history of the aliens as developed in the Dark Horse Comics series, with cutting-edge graphic techniques and a challenging interactive adventure," said Bob Lloyd, CEO of Mindscape. "The fact that players must assess and overcome a range of obstacles adds a powerful new dimension to the Aliens experience," he concluded.

Pushing the Graphic Envelope

Designed by renowned French game developer Cryo, Aliens features exquisite 3D- modeled backgrounds that convey a darkly realistic setting. The four crew members are brought to life using a technique in which hand-drawn 2D comic-book style art is texture-mapped over 3D-modeled characters. This distinctive approach creates the appearance of living comic book characters that are shaded and cast shadows as they move. The Aliens themselves are completely modeled, in terrifying and grotesque detail.

Challenges from All Sides

The intricate storyline of Aliens unfolds as the game progresses. The player must assess and intellectually overcome various obstacles, as well as lead the crewmembers in hand-to-hand combat. There are internal challenges as well, for as the crewĂ­s leader, you must efficiently manage interpersonal relationships among the crewmembers. The perceptions and expertise of each are critical to the survival of the group, and you must not only decide who to consult in each situation, but also remember that the completeness of their answers will depend on how they feel about you and about their fellow crewmembers.

Multiple Action Perspectives

Aliensí compelling storyline is driven by a unusual game engine that integrates the graphic adventure with action sequences. A first person ìin your faceî point of view pulls the player in, as the program opens on board the space ship, Sheridan. Once the space ship has landed on the outpost, the perspective shifts to classic roleplay, in which the player leads all three crew members as well as his or her own character. Finally, when an alien, (or worse), is encountered, an isometric, 45( degree angle intensifies the view for squad-level combat.

System Requirements

486/66 or higher

8 mb RAM

20 mb free hard drive

SVGA video card

Microsoft compatible mouse

2x CD-ROM drive

sound card


Press Release


Die legendäre Comic-Serie erwacht in einer erschreckenden und tödlich realen Umgebung durch makabere Animationen und Grafiken, die Ihnen die Nackenhaare aufrichten werden, zum Leben.

Aliens ist ein packendes „point & click“-Strategie-Adventure, in dem Sie die Rolle eines unerschrockenen Weltraumforschers einnehmen, dem ein Hilferuf vom entfernten Weltraumaußenposten B54-C aus dem Hyperschlaf reißt. Etwas unaussprechlich Böses ist zum Leben erwacht. Dunkle Geheimnisse werden langsam entschleiert, während immer deutlicher wird, daß etwas Grausames und Bösartiges unter der Oberfläche des Planeten lauert. Etwas Entsetzliches, das sogar die Aliens fürchten.

Sie müssen die tödlichen Geheimnisse des Außenpostens B54-C lüften und sich gegen das Unbekannte dort verteidigen.

Beeindruckende SVGA-Grafik, eine spannende Geschichte und viele mit Rätseln gespickte Herausforderungen werden Sie immer tiefer in dieses alptraumhafte Abenteuer hineinziehen.

Leistungsmerkmale, die das Blut gefrieren lassen: * Die 2D-animierten Comic-Charaktere kontrastieren mit erstaunlichen, gerenderten 3D-Hintergrundszenen. * Rätsel, die das Gehirn rauchen lassen, müssen gelöst werden, um tiefer in das fesselnde Abenteuer einzutauchen. * Beeinflussen Sie andere Charaktere - schätzen Sie die Ihnen begegnenden Persönlichkeiten ein und manipulieren Sie diese zu Ihrem Vorteil. * Aliens basiert auf dem makaberen Universum der originalen und erfolgreichen Comic-Serie von Dark Horse.

Erhältlich für PC CD-ROM


Print advertisement - PC Player 12/1995

On a distant, isolated space outpost halfway across the galaxy, an unspeakable evil stirs.

As Lt. Col. Henricksen, commander of a terra forming team, you must quickly respond to a mysterious distress call. Once you've landed, you soon discover that something cruel and vicious lies beneath the outpost's surface. Something that terrifies even you.

Unravel the deadly mystery of Outpost B54-C in this mesmerizing graphic adventure, and defend against the seething horrors within.

Prepare for a gripping experience in absolute terror.

  • Based upon the macabre universe featured in the Dark Horse Comic Book series.
  • Combines a cinematic-style adventure with a spine-chilling interactive storyline in a superb SVGA environment.
  • Unique animated comic book characters with stunningly-rendered 3D backgrounds.
  • Battle nightmarish creatures, outwit paralyzing challenges and advance deeper into the adventure’s core.
  • Two modes: in-your-face, first-person perspective and third- person, isometric combat view.


Just when you think you’ve identified your mortal’re forced to think again.

Riveting interaction enables you to decide the fate of Outpost B54-C.

View yourself in alien combat from a 3-D isometric perspective.

A powerful nerve center is just part of the huge, intricate outpost you'll explore.


Back of Box - DOS (United States)



The ultimate nightmare begins when you and your crew are awakened from hypersleep by a distress call. It's from a vast top secret genetics experimentation laboratory. The military have been messing with the Aliens....and unleashed an unimaginable horror.

The ultra-fast point and click interface adds a thrilling new dimension to your challenge. You move around the sinister laboratory in an armoured exo-skeleton. You'll have to fight and reprogramme lethal attack robots and assemble vital high tech equipment.

But will it be enough to save your skin?

Only your strength, cunning and experience can help. You'll have to use real-time audio visual communications to manipulate your crew with orders and threats, drawing on their unique abilities and knowledge. Only then will you have a fighting chance against the relentless Alien hordes.

They're after blood – your blood – and you'll have to dig deeper than ever before to outwit them and survive. How are you going to do?

You're the one in charge. You work it out.

  • Based on the Twentieth Century Fox film and Dark Horse Comics series.
  • Combines a cinematic-style adventure with a spine-chilling interactive storyline in a superb SVGA environment.
  • Unique animated comic book characters with stunningly-rendered 3D backgrounds.
  • Battle nightmarish creatures, outwit paralyzing challenges and advance deeper into the adventure’s core.
  • Two modes: in-your-face, first-person perspective and third- person, isometric combat view.

“ of the most absorbing and playable graphic adventures of this year.” - PC Review

“Utterly absorbing and totally brilliant.” - Gamesmaster


Back of Box - DOS (United Kingdoms)



Ein Notruf weckt Sie und Ihre Crew aus dem Hyperschlaf. Der ultimative Alptraum beginnt. In einem streng geheimen Labor für gentechnische Versuche hat sich das Militär an Versuche mit außerirdischem Genmaterial gewagt … und damit unvorstellbaren Horror freigesetzt.

Durch die ultraschnelle Point-and-Click-Oberfläche stellt dieses Spiel eine noch größere Herausforderung dar. Mit einem Exo-Skeleton rasen Sie durch das Schreckenslabor. Sie müssen gegen tödliche Angriffsroboter kämpfen und sie neu programmieren.

Aber reicht das, um Ihre Haut zu retten?

Nur mit Stärke, Geschick und Erfahrung können Sie gewinnen. Mit audiovisueller Kommunikation steuern Sie in Echtzeit Ihre Mannschaft. Machen Sie sich deren einzigartigen Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse zu nutze. Nur so haben Sie eine reelle Chance gegen die erbarmungslose Übermacht der Aliens.

Die Aliens wittern Blut – Ihr Blut – und diesmal müssen Sie noch schlauer, noch gewitzter sein, um zu überleben. Wie werden Sie das wohl anstellen?

Sie tragen die Verantwortung. Nur Sie können es herausfinden.

  • Basierend auf dem Film der Twentieth Century Fox und der Comic Serie von Dark Horse.
  • Eine Kombination aus Adventure mit Cinema-Effekten, Interaktiver Dramatik und einer Story in herausragender SVGA-Umgebung.
  • Einzigartig animierte Comic-Figuren mit sensationellen gerenderten 3D-HintergrĂĽnde.
  • Kämpfen Sie gegen alptraumhafte Kreaturen, meistern Sie schier unmögliche Herausforderungen und dringen Sie immer tiefer in den Kern des Abenteuers ein..
  • Zwei Spielmodi: 3D-Perspektive und isometrische Kampfansicht.


Back of Box - DOS (Germany)

Contributed by Michael Reznick, Patrick Bregger, skl.

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