Zoo Tycoon 2

Moby ID: 15606

Neuer Zoodirektor gesucht!

In Windeseile kannst du mit ZooTycoon 2 deinen eigenen, ultimativen Zoo entwerfen. Baue ein passendes Gehege, sorge für eine ausgewogene Ernährung der Tiere und halte die Besucher auf Trab. Die schönsten Momente in deinem Leben als Zoodirektor kannst du in ZooTycoon 2 in deinem Fotoalbum für die Nachwelt festhalten oder an Freunde verschicken. Zoos gibt es überall - deinen eigenen nur auf dem PC!


Advertisement in PC Games, February 2005 (German)


Zoo Tycoon 2’, the long-awaited sequel to the award-winning Zoo Tycoon game adds a spectacular new chapter to the wildly popular franchise!

Featuring 30 incredibly detailed animals, a dazzling array of building tools and objects, a new zoom feature, and 3D graphics that allow players to keep a closer eye on the action and craft more creative zoos, Zoo Tycoon 2 is set to crank up the excitement, challenge, and fun of building the ultimate zoo.

Easy to start and easy to play, Zoo Tycoon 2 gets you up close and interacting with the animals and zoo, offering intuitive controls and fun tutorials that allow players of all ages to enjoy the game right out of the box. From the start, you'll be immersed in the zoo experience with new features including the Zoo Guest mode, in which you can walk around and enjoy the game like visitors on a day at the zoo; Zookeeper mode, which allows you to interact with your animals as never before; and a new Photo mode, which lets you snap pictures of your favorite animals and guests and share them with friends. Zoopedia, detailing all types of entertaining and interesting facts about animals, rounds out the new and improved features of the game.



MacSoft's Zoo Tycoon 2 now shipping!Includes "Totally Wild" National Geographic DVD.

MINNEAPOLIS – December 7, 2005 – Mac Zookeepers rejoice! MacSoft, a division of Destineer, today announces the Macintosh version of Microsoft’s top-selling and award-winning “Zoo Tycoon 2” is shipping. As an added extra, the Mac version includes a bonus DVD featuring film segments and trivia from the National Geographic Totally Wild series. Originally developed for the PC by Blue Fang Games, “Zoo Tycoon 2” has a suggested retail price of $39.99 and will be available in stores this week.

Zoo Tycoon 2 is a wildly fun game in which you build and operate your very own zoo. Zoo Tycoon 2 cranks up the excitement with 3D first-person views that get you up close to the highly detailed giraffes, tigers, crocodiles, elephants, and more than 25 other types of animals in your zoo. And, you’ll be crafting even more creative zoos with a dazzling array of new building tools and objects, photo mode options, easy terrain altering options, rivers, a new zoom mode and 3D graphics that let you keep an even closer eye on the action.

About Zoo Tycoon 2

Easy to start and easy to play, “Zoo Tycoon 2” gets players up close and interacting with the animals and zoo, with fun tutorials that allow players to enjoy the game right out of the box. Players are completely immersed into the zoo experience with new features including the Zoo Guest mode, where players can walk around and enjoy the game from a first-person point of view; and Zookeeper, which allows players to interact with their animals like never before. A brand new camera mode lets players take pictures of their favorite animals and share them online with friends. “Zoo Tycoon 2” also features a Zoopedia, filled with entertaining facts about the animals.

About Microsoft Game Studios

Microsoft Game Studios is a leading worldwide publisher and developer of games for the PC, Xbox video game system and online platforms. Comprising a network of top developers, Microsoft Game Studios is committed to creating innovative and diverse game portfolios for the PC ( http://www.microsoft.com/games/ ), including such franchises as "Age of Empires®," "Flight Simulator" and "Zoo Tycoon (TM) "; Xbox ( http://www.xbox.com/ ), including such franchises as "Halo (TM) ," "Project Gotham Racing®" and "NFL Fever"; and Zone.com the official games channel for the MSN® network and home to such hits as "Bejeweled" and "OutSmart (TM) ."

About Blue Fang Games

Blue Fang Games is an independent game developer dedicated to delivering high quality, interactive game titles to consumers around the world. Blue Fang’s “Zoo Tycoon” franchise, published by Microsoft Game Studios, has consistently been in the top 10 sales for PC games in the United States and has sold over 5 million units worldwide. Blue Fang combines its experienced team of game developers and designers with professional development practices to deliver best-in-class games on time and on budget.

About MacSoft

MacSoft is a leading publisher of Macintosh consumer software. MacSoft has published over 150 entertainment, education and productivity products since its creation in 1993, including Halo, Civilization II, Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, Unreal, Age of Empires, Rainbow Six, Scrabble, Jeopardy, Desktop Labels, Kids Arcade Pack, and many more. MacSoft exists to enrich the lives of passionate and creative people who are using their Macintosh to change the world. MacSoft is owned by Destineer, Inc.


Destineer Press Release (Dec. 7, 2005)

Zoo Tycoon 2 to kontynuacja bestsellerowej gry, która zdobyła miliony fanów na całym świecie (sprzedano ponad 4 miliony egzemplarzy pierwszej części gry!). Jest to najpopularniejszy na świecie tytuł, który umożliwia stworzenie wymarzonego ogrodu zoologicznego w każdej części świata. Gracz może karmić zwierzęta, budować im zagrody i zarządzać całym Zoo tak, żeby zarówno goście, jak i zwierzęta były zadowolone. Co więcej, w każej chwili może zwiedzić swoje Zoo sam, zrobić zdjęcia ulubionym zwierzakom i pokazać je znajomym na całym świecie! Gra skierowana jest głównie do młodszych odbiorców. Niemniej wątek ekonomiczny i bogactwo zawartych elementów, a przede wszystkim ogromna grywalność sprawiają, że jest to tytuł, który można polecić każdemu. * Wspaniała grafika 3D i nowy funkcjonalny interfejs umożliwiają prawdziwą interakcję z Zoo w charakterze zarządcy, odwiedzającego lub fotografa. * Imponująca ilość elemetów - dzięki nowym opcjom konstrukcyjnym i ponad 300 obiektom można stworzyć budowle i zagrody, które zachwycą wszystkich gości. * Ogromna grywalność - nowe tryby gry i bogate możliwości zarządzania stanowią prawdziwe wyzwanie i zapewniają wiele godzin wspaniałej zabawy. * Tryb fotografa - można zwiedzić własne Zoo i zrobić zdjęcia ulubionych zwierząt. * Zoopedia - w grze zawarto specjalna encyklopedię, w której można znaleźć mnóstwo informacji o zwierzętach zamieszkujących ogród zoologiczny. * Profesjonalna polska wersja językowa przygotowana przez zespół CD Projekt.


CD Projekt Official Site (Polish distributor) - www.gram.pl

Zoo Tycoon 2 - продолжение получившей в свое время заслуженное признание поклонников жанра игры Zoo Tycoon. Как и прежде, в Zoo Tycoon 2 нам предстоит посвятить немалую долю своего времени управлению зоологическим садом. Несколько новых режимов, включая такие как Zoo Guest, Zoo Keeper и Photo Safari, предоставят игрокам возможность прогуляться по зоосаду в качестве посетителя или же выступить в роли управляющего. Встроенная в игру зоо-энциклопедия содержит множество увлекательных фактов из жизни братьев наших меньших. Более 30 видов экзотических животных из всех уголков Земли, широчайший спектр объектов, зданий и строений, возможность влиять практически на любые аспекты жизни зоопарка - всё это, вкупе с отличной 3D графикой и продуманным до мелочей интерфейсом, сделает экскурс в мир животных интересным, увлекательным и ярким.



Contributed by UV, Xoleras, Klaster_1, Jeanne.

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