Æon Flux

Moby ID: 20311

In the strange and distant future, a beautiful agent named Aeon Flux employs all the lethal abilities at her disposal to disrupt the soul-crushing tyranny that pervades the walled, protected city-state, Bregna. Her nemesis is Trevor Goodchild—a sometimes-lover, yet fulltime Chairman of the Breen Council. Aeon faithfully serves the underground Monican rebellion in their efforts to overthrow the Breen, however deadly rivals oppose her at every turn, and powerful temptations test her loyalties.

  • The first ever interactive journey into the world of Aeon Flux.
  • Unique Speed Stealth action—move like a shifting wind to confuse and bewilder the enemy.
  • Destructive futuristic weapons and bone-crunching grappling fatalities help defeat opponents.
  • Sci-fi based gadgets aid in solving puzzle elements throughout the game.
  • Independent episodes share evolving environments and take place throughout four distinct eras.
  • Objectives change as allegiances shift between different eras and generations of Bregnans.
  • Style Meter rewards your sensational accomplishments.


www.xbox.com (US)

Their world is beyond perfection. Their race is near extinction. Their hope is in your hands.


Experience an intoxicating blend of stealth, speed and acrobatic combat as you play through the 400 year span between the pioneering MTV animated series and the feature film starring Oscar® winning actress Charlize Theron.

  • Dispatch enemies with bone-crunching fatalities and acrobatic finishing moves.
  • Futuristic gadgets help you solve puzzles, penetrate defenses and foil Trevor Goodchild's plans.
  • Pull off incredible acrobatics as you scale walls, use grappling hooks and hurdle over obstacles.


Back of Case - PlayStation 2/Xbox (US)

Gra Aeon Flux bazuje na kreskówce, która w 1995 r. była wyświetlana na kanale MTV. Akcja osadzona jest w odległej przyszłości, kiedy to rasa ludzka zdziesiątkowana przez groźnego wirusa schroniła się pod ogromną, szklaną kopułą... Gracz wciela się w postać kobiety, bardzo dobrze wytrenowanej i niebezpiecznej zabójczyni. W zasadzie to jedyna informacja pewna, jaką wiemy na temat głównej bohaterki. Pracuje ona dla różnych stron, zarówno dla ludzi złych jak i dobrych. Gra jest tak skonstruowana, że w momencie, kiedy gracz ma się dowiedzieć czegoś o Aeon Flux, etap gry się kończy. W ten sposób autorzy przykuwają uwagę gracza na wiele godzin i zapewniają świetną zabawę. Główną bohaterkę obserwujemy z perspektywy trzeciej osoby. Przeciwników można zabijać na wiele spektakularnych sposobów. Twórcy w głównej mierze postawili na walkę wręcz, choć ilość broni jest bardzo duża.

  • Gra składa się z ciekawie połączonych części, co bardzo wciąga gracza w rozwiązanie zagadki Aeon Flux.
  • Udaj się w interaktywną podróż do świata Aeon Flux!
  • Głosu głównej bohaterce użyczyła jej odpowiedniczka z ekranu kinowego - Charlize Theron.
  • Możliwość spowolnienia czasu używając "Flux", po to, aby precyzyjniej celować w przeciwników.
  • Ogromna ilość ciosów, akrobatycznych uderzeń oraz groźnej broni.
  • Gadżety rodem z przyszłości pozwalające rozwiązywać zagadki w trakcie gry.


CD Projekt Official Site (Polish distributor) - www.gram.pl

Peter Chung's acrobatic assassin wages war on the establishment.

Set 400 years into the future, Aeon Flux is the top operative in an underground war against
a totalitarian government. Governing the last city on Earth, this regime has constructed
what appears to be a utopia on a foundation of lies.

Aeon Flux became a cult cartoon after the success of Peter Chung's 1990s MTV Liquid
Television series, which featured very graphic and highly stylised art. Based on the 2006
feature film, inspired by the cartoon (and starring Charlize Theron), Aeon Flux the
videogame puts you in the title role of this 3D action adventure.

Created by Terminal Reality, the team behind Bloodrayne, the athletic action and combat
prowess of Aeon Flux has been rendered with the same care that brought its half-vampire
heroine to life.

  • Bridges the storyline of the animated series to the feature film
  • Chain together acrobatic stunts and manoeuvres for devastating attacks
  • Slow down time using 'Flux' and aim at enemies with precision
  • Charlize Theron provides the voice and likeness of Aeon Flux



In this futuristic sci-fi thriller set 400 years in the future, Charlize Theron stars as Aeon Flux, the top underground operative at war with the totalitarian regime governing what appears to be a perfect society. But is this perfect life hiding a perfect lie? Aeon is on the front lines of a rebellion that will reveal a world of secrets. A startling vision of a future in flux from Karyn Kusama, director of the acclaimed "Girlfight," "Aeon Flux" is written by Philip Hay & Matt Manfredi, based on the pioneering MTV animated series created by Peter Chung.

  • An interactive journey into the world of Aeon Flux based on the MTV animated series and upcoming movie release
  • Oscar® winning actress Charlize Theron's voice and likeness to appear as "Aeon Flux" - her first interactive feature!
  • Slow down time using ‘Flux' and aim at enemies with precision
  • Chain together acrobatic stunts and maneuvers for devastating attacks
  • Destructive futuristic weapons and bone-crunching grappling fatalities help defeat opponents
  • Sci-fi based gadgets aid in solving puzzle elements throughout the game
  • Independent episodes bridge the storyline of the animated series to the feature film
  • Objectives change as allegiances shift between different eras and generations of Bregnans
  • Style Meter rewards sensational accomplishments by the player




In this futuristic sci-fi thriller set 400 years in the future, Charlize Theron stars as Æon Flux, the top underground operative at war with the totalitarian regime governing what appears to be a perfect society. But is this perfect life hiding a perfect lie? Æon is on the front lines of a rebellion that will reveal a world of secrets.

Æon Flux invites players to take the role of the unbelievably lithe and lethal title character in her quest to rid a futuristic metropolis of sinister tyranny in a strange new reality.

Features * SpectAcrobatics: extreme acrobatic melee and ranged combat system includes wall-running, zip-lining, gut-wrenching freefall drops and

  • Flux-time: allows Aeon to slow her perception the world while she speeds up her own reactions

  • Rhythmically chain a fluid series of both acrobatic melee combat and ranged-weapon attacks together: the longer the chain, the more lethal the attacks become

  • Oscar® winning actress Charlize Theron's voice and likeness appear as "Aeon Flux" -her first interactive feature!

  • Destructive futuristic weapons and bone-crunching grappling fatalities help defeat opponents

  • Independent episodes bridge the storyline of the animated series to the feature film

  • Objectives, friends, enemies, and even ideologies change as allegiances shift between different eras and generations of Bregnans

  • Style Meter rewards sensational accomplishments by the player

  • Developed in under 10 months as movie tie-in. Game reviewed much better than the film



Ihre Welt is jenseits der Perfektion.

Ihre Rasse ist beinahe ausgestorben.

Sie sind jetzt ihre einzige Hoffnung.


Erleben Sie eine berauschende Mischung aus Tempo, Tarnung und akrobatischen Kämpfen, während Sie spielend die 400 Jahre überwinden, die zwischen der wegweisenden Zeichentrickserie von MTV und dem Film mit Oscar®-Preisträgerin Charlize Theron liegen.

  • Erledigen Sie Ihre Gegner durch knochenbrecherische Kampfkünste und tödliche Manöver

  • Mit Ihrer futuristischen Ausrüstung lösen Sie Rätsel, durchbrechen Verteidigungslinien und vereiteln Trevor Goodschilds Pläne

  • Mit unglaublicher Akrobatik klettern Sie Wände hoch, verwenden Wurfanker und hechten über Hindernisse


Back of Keep Case - Xbox (Germany)

Contributed by Xoleras, DreinIX, Patrick Bregger, Sciere, UV.

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