🕹️ New release: Lunar Lander Beyond

Dracula: The Last Sanctuary

aka: Dracula 2, Dracula 2: Die letzte Zufluchtsstätte, Dracula 2: L'Ultimo Santuario, Dracula 2: Le Dernier Sanctuaire, Dracula 2: Ostatnie Sanktuarium, Dracula 2: Posledni utociste, Dracula 2: Poslední útočiště, Dracula 2: The Last Place of Refuge, Dracula 2: The Last Sanctuary, Dracula II: Die letzte Zufluchtsstätte, Dracula: The Last Sanctuary HD, Drácula 2: O Último Santuário, Drácula: El último santuario
Moby ID: 3374

Immerse yourself in a hauntingly beautiful, incredibly realistic 3D world of thrills and suspense. Journey through eerie atmospheric environments, while attempting to solve the numerous puzzles and riddles that awaits you in this story-driven atmosphere.

As Jonathon Harker, you know that your wife, Mina, trapped under the Vampire's spell, will never be safe as long as Dracula is still alive. You must hunt down Dracula in an attempt to vanquish him forever. Follow a lethal trail in a chase from London back to Transylvania: from an insane asylum to Dracula's castle, and through an underground prison littered with the bones of forgotten men, arriving finally at Dracula's Last Sanctuary.

Only with your wits and ingenuity can Dracula be defeated.


box cover

Prepare yourself for an incredible adventure! Immerse yourself in this hauntingly beautiful, incredibly realistic 3D world of thrills and suspense. As Jonathan Harker, you know that your wife Mina will never be safe as long as Dracula is still alive. You must hunt down Dracula and vanquish him forever. Follow a lethal trail from London back to Transylvania, from the insane asylum, to Dracula’s castle. Discover that the hunter has also become the hunted…

Battle creatures of the dark and solve numerous puzzles and challenges, as you journey through several atmospheric regions in this engrossing and suspenseful, story-driven adventure.


20 Characters modeled in 3D and motion capture animation for stunning realism

Cinematic quality cut-scenes

Phoenix VR technology for 360 degrees panorama

Fully immersive storyline

Graphically rich environments to explore


Windows 98/95/ME

Pentium 166 (200 recommended)

32MB RAM (64 recommended)

16bit video card

16bit Soundcard

8X CD-ROM drive


Dreamcatcher's Web Page (2001)


As Jonathan Harker, you know that your wife, Mina, trapped under the Vampire's spell, will never be safe as long as Dracula is still alive. You must now hunt down Dracula in an attempt to vanquish him forever. Follow a lethal trail in a chase from London back ro Transylvania: from an insane asylum to Dracula's castle, and through an underground prison littered with the bones of forgotten men, arriving finally at Dracula's Last Sanctuary.

Only with your wits and ingenuity can Dracula be defeated.

Design and artistic guidance: Jacques Simian and Francois Villard

Freely explore more than 40 different scenes and locations.

Stunning 3D graphics and animation.

Over 30 hours of gameplay.

Solve challenging puzzles.


Back of Case - PlayStation

O*ktober 1904. Graaf Dracula verschuilt zich in Londen. Kan jij achter het geheim komen om de Duivel uit te schakelen voordat hij jou uitschakelt?***

Auteurs: François Villard - Jacques Simian Muziek: Laurent Parisi

Exploreer het hart van het Transsylvaanse kasteel op zoek naar een angstaanjagend geheim...

Wordt deze kostganger uit het tehuis jouw bondgenoot?

Wapens en hulpstukken die je welbewust moet gebruiken.

Palen en kruisbeelden zijn niet overbodig.

Houd een meedogenloze achtervolging door het ondergrondse labyrint!

Volop actie en koude rillingen!

Achtervolg* de graaf en zijn Zwarte Wacht: onderzoek de engste griezelplaatsen, >b>ondervraag verontrustende personages, ontsnap aan "game over", combineer alle aanwijzingen die je hebt in de nieuwe dynamische lijst en vernietig de vampiers... Je staat op het punt om het geheim van Drakula te tdekken! *De begraafplaats van Highgate, de nog nooit eerder betreden schuilplaats van het Transsylvaanse kasteel en nog veel meer vind je in deze verbazingwekkend realistische 3D wereld.** De kwaliteit van de Opstanding van ### DRACULA 1

unaniem onthaald over de hele wereld, komt hier in al zijn dimensies tot uiting.*

Vind ### DRACULA

op Internet: www.draculagame.com*


Back of Box - Windows (Netherlands)

Londres 1904. O jovem Jonathan após salvar sua noiva das garras de Drácula, terá um novo desafio. O conde da Transilvânia está em Londres e chegou a hora do confronto final. Será que você conseguirá vencer o Príncipe das Trevas

Seqüência de Drácula, um dos maiores sucessos do gênero.

  • Mais de 25 horas de jogo com 100 animações e 30 minutos de diálogos.

  • Explore o interior do castelo na Transilvânia enquanto desvenda um terrível mistério.

  • Persiga impiedosamente sua presa no labirinto subterrâneo.

  • Intuitivo, envolvente, excelente jogabilidade.

Das sombras do Cemitério de Highgate até as inexploradas catacumbas do castelo do conde na Transilvânia, perca-se em um universo 3D apavorantemente real.

A qualidade de DRÁCULA que recebeu críticas calorosas em todo o mundo, aqui é igualada à imensa quantidade de reviravoltas na história.

2 CD-ROMs. Jogo totalmente em português.


Game Manual (Brazil)

Contributed by Perfil Falso, Corn Popper, PolloDiablo, curacao, Jeanne.

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