
Moby ID: 39388

A kingdom for a tyrant!

One minute Ceville is a tyrannical despot ruling over the kingdom of Faeryanis, and the next he's a prisoner in his own jail! All's well that ends well? Not likely! The hideously evil Basilius has deep, dark plans for Faeryanis, and he's already got the spells ready to summon demons to help him with his reign of terror. Ceville and Lilly travel the length and breadth of the kingdom in their efforts to stop the dastardly plan, with the support of an unbelievably vain knight named Ambrosius - but things soon turn out to be a lot tougher than they seemed!

A wild and wacky adventure in the style of Monkey Island and Shrek!* Charming, witty and colorful 3D graphics * Opulent soundtrack with over 23 entertaining pieces * More than 5 hours of zany dialogue bound to have you laughing * Interaction with over 30 different characters, each one nuttier than the rest * Clever, demanding puzzles requiring the cooperation of a number of characters


Back of Keep Case - Windows (UK)


Release: August 2009

The mean cruel cold blooded tyrant Ceville ruthlessly rules the beautiful kingdom of Faeryanis. Or rather, he used to rule the beautiful kingdom of Faeryanis, until the brave people revolted against his regime and drove him out of the palace.

The kindhearted queen Gwendolyn did step up to reign over the land with a council of noble and wise advisors.. It seems that this story could end just like any other fairy tale: "And they lived happily ever after..." But no, that's not quite right. Because another evil rises within the land. The treacherous Basilus - counsellor of Gwendolyn and of Ceville before her - plans to take the crown and torture the realm with the help of murderous beasts he has summoned from the planes of eternal darkness.

All seems lost! But hope resides with the one most unlikely person imaginable to save the kingdom and restore peace to the realm: Ceville, the realm's former despotic ruler...

Three playable main characters:

Ceville, the ancient ruler of Faeryanis and spare-time tyrant, Ambrosius, the noble and somewhat self-important knight and Lilly, the gentle and kind little girl.

This game will give you an impression of what happens, when you mix up the setting and humour of Shrek, Discworld and the Monkey Island series.

Features* Classic Point and Click Adventure * Up to three simultaniously playable characters with weird but loveable personalities * Bizarre characters from stock-broker dwarves and hippie-elves who populate the fairy- tale realm of Faeryanis * Various locations all over Faerynis, like the Not-So-Hidden druid circle, the (former) Elven Forest, The Dwarven Mines of Mount Goldmore and more! a variety of puzzles, many of which that can only be solved by teamwork of two (or more) player characters * Tons of humour


Kalypso Media website

Злобный деспот Севиль, много лет мучивший жителей королевства Феерика, угодил за решетку! Тут и сказочке конец? Ничего подобного!

Отвратительный узурпатор Базиль, занявший трон, строит чудовищные планы. Он намерен вызвать демонов, чтобы с их помощью держать в ежовых рукавицах всю Феерику. Кто осмелится ему противостоять?

Циничный Севиль, малышка Лили и невероятно тщеславный паладин Амброзий обойдут королевство вдоль и поперек, чтобы найти способ помешать осуществлению подлых планов Базиля. Однако справиться с напастью будет куда труднее, чем кажется!

  • Невероятные приключения и юмор в стиле Monkey Island и «Шрека»!
  • Очаровательная, забавная и яркая трехмерная графика.
  • Великолепное музыкальное сопровождение.
  • Более пяти часов уморительных диалогов.
  • Тридцать самобытных персонажей, с которыми можно пообщаться, — один безумнее другого!
  • Хитрые головоломки, для решения которых необходимо задействовать нескольких героев.


games.1c.ru (Publisher's website)

Contributed by PolloDiablo, Klaster_1, Jeanne.

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