Disney Epic Mickey

aka: Disney Epic Mickey: La Leggendaria Sfida di Topolino, Disney Epic Mickey: Mickey Mouse to Mahou no Fude, Disney Micky Epic
Moby ID: 49436

Mit "Disney Micky Epic" bringt Entwicklerlegende Warren Spector die berĂŒhmteste Maus aller Zeiten exklusiv fĂŒr Nintendo Wii in dein Wohnzimmer! In dieser tollen Mischung aus Jump’n‘ Run, Action-Adventure und Rollenspiel begleitest du Micky auf einer spannenden Reise durch das Wasteland und triffst auf lĂ€ngst vergessene Disney-Charaktere.

Einst gab es eine Cartoon-Welt fĂŒr alle vergessenen Disney-Charaktere und Attraktionen, das sogenannte Wasteland. Micky entdeckt diesen magischen Ort durch Zufall und begeht einen törichten Fehler – ohne es zu ahnen, erschafft er ein furchtbares Monster, das das einst so wunderbare Wasteland zerstört. FĂŒr dich beginnt eine heldenhafte Entdeckungsreise. Kannst du, in der Rolle von Micky, mit der Kraft der Farbe, des Mutes und lange vergessenen Freunden, das Wasteland retten?


  • 1 Spieler

  • 50 Hz/60 Hz kompatibel

  • UnterstĂŒtzt Nunchuk



Disney Epic Mickey is an action-adventure platforming game for the Wii console that sends Mickey Mouse on an epic journey of creativity and discovery. As Mickey, the player is propelled into Wasteland, an alternate world made up of Disney’s long forgotten characters and attractions, and is given the power to wield paint and paint thinner to dynamically change the world while determining Mickey’s path to becoming an epic hero.

Through the use of this unique paint and paint thinner, the key components of animation and Mickey’s tools for impacting his world, players will have the ability to shape how the story unfolds as they discover the concept of “Playstyle Matters” – an innovative style of gameplay created by Disney Interactive Studios’ Junction Point, led by industry luminary Warren Spector, where players creatively tackle different challenges in the world to explore all the possibilities and storylines – but with consequences for their chosen actions.

Features - Use paint and paint thinner to change the world, interact with friends and enemies and solve challenges

  • Choose the best path to become an epic hero because “Playstyle Matters” and choices will change the outcome of the game

  • Explore and solve challenges in an alternate Disney world ruled by Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Walt Disney’s first cartoon star

  • Travel between lands in Wasteland through classic platforming levels inspired by animated films and shorts

  • Experience an innovative mix of platforming, action-adventure and light role playing game elements

  • Collect over 75 virtual Disney pins in the game by completing specific challenges, quests and discovering hidden collectibles


www.nintendo.com - Wii

Contributed by jaXen, Victor Vance.

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