
Moby ID: 51898

EA Play Unlocks a World of Imagination With Create

GUILDFORD, England--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today the EA Play Label of Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:ERTS) announced that Createℱ will be available this week to buy on multiple platforms in stores throughout North America and Europe.

Create is an expansive challenge-based game, with a nearly infinite set of solutions for the player to explore. The Challenge mode offers a series of puzzles with a specific goal to be achieved and provides a number of fun and creative objects to come up with a solution. Points are allocated based on the number of objects used, and the overall creativity of the solution. There are numerous types of challenges, from those where players will need to find the most efficient and elegant solution to others where players are encouraged to be as outlandish as possible.

Everything done in the game can earn you Sparks. For every Spark earned, a new item or object to use is unlocked. Sparks also unlock new levels and new challenges. There are hundreds of Sparks to collect in the game and therefore hundreds of game objects/decorative objects the player can earn as they play.

Create also enables players to develop their own set of challenges from scratch, customizing everything from look and feel, to goals and level creation. The vast sets of customization tools that have been developed allow ANYONE to be creative.

The final element of Create is the ability to share — everything from individual creations, challenge solutions and any challenges that have been developed. Friends can download and "remix" solutions and set challenges for other players to download and complete. This option will be available on the PC, PlayStation¼3 computer entertainment system and Xbox 360¼ video game and entertainment system, and makes the gameplay experience truly social.

Developed by EA Bright Lightℱ Studio, Create is now available for the Xbox 360¼, PlayStation 3 (featuring PlayStation¼Move compatibility), Wiiℱ, and Windows PC.


Electronic Arts press release (November 15, 2010)

Createℱ, the must-have video game that is powered by your imagination and rewards you for being creative, will launch this fall for the Wiiℱ, PlayStation¼3 computer entertainment system featuring PlayStation¼Move compatibility, Xbox 360¼ video game and entertainment system, PC and Mac.

The more you create, the more rewards you unlock. With exciting challenges to beat, open up your imagination to new ways to play. Unleash your creativity as you design unique environments with easy-to-use brushes and tools, including animating objects, textures, and designs that bring your scene to life! Create living works of art and engage in level-based game challenges powered by imagination.

Mix and match from different themes and art styles to create your unique environments. It’s a limitless experience full of creative expression. With exciting and fun challenges, you’ll be thinking on your feet to devise solutions for the zaniest of challenges.

Combining two of kids’ favourite hobbies: art and video games, Create enables kids to express their artistic creativity through a medium they enjoy. The game is also a fun shared experience for families who want to play and create together.

***Common Sense Media

5/5** - “You've never played a game like Create. There's the marvelous, customizable, Sim-City-esque world-building aspect to it, which in and of itself is loads of fun, and will inspire endless jolts of creativity. But that's not even the main part of the game. The physics puzzles, which start off easy but grow incredibly challenging, will undoubtedly get your creative juices flowing
. For creative thinkers, this game is a gold mine.”


81** - “Bright Light Studio's Create is a fun little title with hours of re-playability and value. It's polished, it's imaginative and it's interesting. But it will take a special kind of gamer to stick with it and really drill down through all of its nuances.”


3.5/5** - “I was one of those kids who never met a pile of blocks he didn't like, but I never had enough LEGOs, Lincoln Logs, or Erector Set pieces to build the monstrosities I had in mind. So I'd mix and match pieces, scavenge additional parts from board games, and cobble together a Frankenstein's monster of a machine. At its best, Create captures this liberating experience of imagination and construction in digital form.”

**NowGamer [UK]

7.1/10** - “There’s a lot to love about Create and it’s a fine tool to jog your creative juices.”

Cool Features: Tools Galore!* Use powerful tools with thousands of stickers, brushes, textures, elements, animating objects, and more to create each scene any way you like.

Unlock Your Creativity. Imagination acts as a power up. Earn rewards through gameplay and unlock new levels, objects, challenges and more.

Experiment with Fun Challenges. Over 100 challenges to spark your imagination! Use your creativity in each scene to solve the challenge and be rewarded with new hidden areas that are unlocked. Experiment with objects and effects to create simple, challenging, or even crazy solutions.

Challenging for the Entire Family! With varying levels of challenge, the entire family can find their place to succeed when playing together!

Share with the World. Upload your creations easily when your next-gen console or PC/Mac is connected to the internet. You can share your creations, as well as browse, download, and remix anyone’s creations

Let your imagination run wild and see what you can Create!

Source: (Official website)

Createℱ, das absolut unverzichtbare Videospiel, das von deiner Fantasie lebt und dich fĂŒr deine KreativitĂ€t belohnt, wird in diesem Herbst fĂŒr die Wiiℱ, das PlayStationÂź3 Computer-Entertainment-System mit PlayStationÂźMove-KompatibilitĂ€t, fĂŒr das Xbox 360Âź Videospiel- und Entertainment-System, fĂŒr den PC und fĂŒr den Mac veröffentlicht.

Je mehr du bei Create gestaltest, desto mehr Belohnungen schaltest du frei. Du kannst deiner Fantasie mit den spannenden Herausforderungen freien Lauf lassen und so neue Arten zu spielen erleben. Deine KreativitĂ€t wird entfacht, wĂ€hrend du ungewöhnliche Umgebungen mit einfach zu benutzenden Pinseln und Tools entwirfst, darunter animierte Objekte, Strukturen und EntwĂŒrfe, die deine Szenerie zum Leben erwecken! Erstelle Kunstwerke voller Leben und zeige dein Können in stufenbasierten, fantasievollen Herausforderungen.

Kombiniere verschiedene Themen und Kunststile und erschaffe so deine eigenen Umgebungen. Den kreativen Möglichkeiten sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. Bei spannenden, lustigen und verrĂŒckten Herausforderungen musst du deine grauen Zellen ganz schön anstrengen, um eine Lösung zu finden.

Create vereint zwei der LieblingsbeschĂ€ftigungen von Kindern: Kreatives Gestalten und Videospiele. Mit Create wird Kindern ermöglicht, ihre KreativitĂ€t ĂŒber ein Medium zum Ausdruck zu bringen, das ihnen Spaß macht. Dieses Spiel ist auch eine tolle und witzige Erfahrung fĂŒr Familien, die zusammen spielen, tĂŒfteln und kreativ sein wollen.

Coole Features: Tools in HĂŒlle und FĂŒlle! Nutze beeindruckende Tools mit Tausenden Aufklebern, Pinseln, Strukturen, Elementen, animierten Objekten und mehr, um jede Szenerie nach deinen Vorstellungen zu erschaffen.

Lass deiner KreativitÀt freien Lauf. Deine Fantasie verleiht dem Spiel mehr Ausdruck. Gewinne Belohnungen und schalte neue Level, Objekte, Herausforderungen und noch mehr frei.

Experimentiere mit lustigen Herausforderungen. Über 100 Herausforderungen, die deine Fantasie entfachen! Du setzt deine KreativitĂ€t in jeder Szenerie ein, um die Herausforderung zu lösen und bekommst als Belohnung neue, versteckte Bereiche, die freigeschaltet werden. Experimentiere mit Objekten und Effekten, um einfache, anspruchsvolle oder auch verrĂŒckte Lösungen zu finden.

Eine Herausforderung fĂŒr die ganze Familie! Dank der unterschiedlich schwierigen Herausforderungen, hat die ganze Familie ein Erfolgserlebnis beim Spielen!

Teile die Werke mit der ganzen Welt. Du kannst sie ganz einfach mit deiner NextGen-Konsole oder deinem PC/Mac ĂŒber eine Internetverbindung hochladen. Teile deine Werke mit anderen und durchstöbere deren Werke, lade sie herunter oder gestalte sie neu

Lass deiner Fantasie freien Lauf und lass dich von deinen Kreationen in Create ĂŒberraschen!

Source: (Official website) - German

Contributed by Patrick Bregger.

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