Shovel Knight

aka: Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope
Moby ID: 67038

Slash Mercilessly and Dig Tirelessly!

Available for both Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. For the digital Nintendo 3DS version, click here.

Shovel Knight is a sweeping classic action adventure game with awesome gameplay, memorable characters, and an 8-bit retro aesthetic. It's a hot mashup of new and old! You play as the eponymous Shovel Knight, a small knight with a huge quest. Shovel Knight has come to this land with two goals: to defeat the evil Enchantress and quest for his lost beloved. He wields a Shovel Blade: a multipurpose weapon whose techniques have now been lost to the ages. Always honest and helpful, Shovel Knight is a shining example of the code of Shovelry: Slash Mercilessly and Dig Tirelessly!

But, between Shovel Knight and his beloved stands a cadre of villainous knights. These terrible foes, known as The Order of No Quarter, have been dispatched to prevent Shovel Knight from reaching the Enchantress, and will pursue their mission at any cost. If you love games with perfect platforming, beautiful art, infectious music, crazy bosses, humor and levity, and real heart… Shovel Knight is for you!

The physical version of Shovel Knight contains everything we’ve released so far. First, there is the original Shovel Knight campaign with all the content you know and love! Also included is Shovel Knight’s first content update: Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows. Finally, there’s a full-featured Challenge mode with more than 50 crazy challenge levels to explore!

Of course, like the digital version, every boxed version will also receive FREE future updates as they become available: * Specter Knight’s Campaign – A full campaign starring the shadowy scythe spinner! * King Knight’s Campaign – A crazy campaign with the gilded goob himself! * Battle Mode – Duel with up to 4 players as your favorite heroic or villainous knight! (Wii U/PS4/XB1/PC exclusive) * Body Swap Mode – Did you ever wish Shovel Knight was a lady, or Shield Knight was a dude? Well, now you’ll be able to change them all around, along with the rest of the cast!

Oh, and one more thing: every boxed copy of Shovel Knight will include a lavish instruction booklet similar to the Kickstarter reward. No 2-page inserts here! You deserve a full manual, to hold in your hot little shaking hands and pore over as you wait to get home!

Expand this game with DLC.

This game has downloadable content (DLC) available, so you can keep the fun going!

You can purchase DLC from Nintendo eShop on your device.

This game is compatible with amiibo.

Just tap in an amiibo accessory to score new characters, game modes, or other perks!

Shovel Knight

Release Date: January 08, 2016

A practitioner of the ancient code of Shovelry, Shovel Knight can do almost anything with his signature weapon, the Shovel Blade. His ingenuity and quick thinking have won him many battles, even though his stature is small! Always honest and helpful, Shovel Knight lives by the creed of Shovelry: Slash Mercilessly and Dig Tirelessly!

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Figures shown not actual size and designs may vary. Compatibility and functionality of amiibo may vary per game. Software updates may be required.

Source: - Nintendo 3DS (retail version) (US)

Slash Mercilessly and Dig Tirelessly!

**New Update Available Now! Get Plague of Shadows for free!

Available for both Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. For the retail Nintendo 3DS version, click here.**

Shovel Knight is a sweeping classic action adventure game with awesome gameplay, memorable characters, and an 8-bit retro aesthetic. It's a hot mashup of new and old! You play as the eponymous Shovel Knight, a small knight with a huge quest. Shovel Knight has come to this land with two goals: to defeat the evil Enchantress and quest for his lost beloved. He wields a Shovel Blade: a multipurpose weapon whose techniques have now been lost to the ages. Always honest and helpful, Shovel Knight is a shining example of the code of Shovelry: Slash Mercilessly and Dig Tirelessly!

But, between Shovel Knight and his beloved stands a cadre of villainous knights. These terrible foes, known as The Order of No Quarter, have been dispatched to prevent Shovel Knight from reaching the Enchantress, and will pursue their mission at any cost. If you love games with perfect platforming, beautiful art, infectious music, crazy bosses, humor and levity, and real heart… Shovel Knight is for you!

Introducing Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows! - Plague of Shadows expansion is FREE to everyone who owns the game. Play as Plague Knight, the villainous master of alchemy, in a quest all his own.

  • Embark on a new adventure starring Plague Knight, the addled alchemical master of disaster! Featuring a brand new playable character, all new relics, new systems, new boss battles, level tweaks, and a brand new story to adventure through!
  • Prove your mettle in Challenge Mode. Take on speed run challenges, boss rematches, and other rule-benders… and expect some tricky puzzles too!

Expand this game with DLC.

This game has downloadable content (DLC) available, so you can keep the fun going!

You can purchase DLC from Nintendo eShop on your device.

This game is compatible with amiibo.

Just tap in an amiibo accessory to score new characters, game modes, or other perks!

Shovel Knight

Release Date: January 08, 2016

A practitioner of the ancient code of Shovelry, Shovel Knight can do almost anything with his signature weapon, the Shovel Blade. His ingenuity and quick thinking have won him many battles, even though his stature is small! Always honest and helpful, Shovel Knight lives by the creed of Shovelry: Slash Mercilessly and Dig Tirelessly!

Learn more

Figures shown not actual size and designs may vary. Compatibility and functionality of amiibo may vary per game. Software updates may be required.

Source: - Nintendo 3DS (digital version) (US)

Über dieses Spiel

Hinweis: Wenn ihr Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove besitzt, braucht ihr Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope NICHT separat kaufen. Dieser Titel ist bei allen Versionen von Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove enthalten.

Shovel Knight ist ein galantes klassisches Action-Adventure mit genialem Gameplay, unvergesslichen Charakteren und 8-Bit-Retro-Look. Eine heiße Mischung aus Neu und Alt! Ihr übernehmt die Rolle des Titelhelden Shovel Knight, eines kleinen Ritters, der ein großes Abenteuer erleben wird. Shovel Knight ist mit zwei Zielen in diese Lande gekommen: er will die böse Verzauberin besiegen und seine verschwundene große Liebe wiederfinden. Er schwingt eine Schaufelklinge, eine Mehrzweckwaffe, deren Kampftechniken heute für immer verloren sind. Als stets ehrbarer und hilfsbereiter Ritter ist Shovel Knight ein leuchtendes Beispiel für den Kodex der Schaufelichkeit: gnadenlos zuschlagen und unermüdlich buddeln!

Doch zwischen Shovel Knight und seiner Liebsten steht eine Horde schurkenhafter Ritter. Diese schrecklichen Widersacher, bekannt als Der Orden ohne Gnade, wurden entsandt, um Shovel Knight daran zu hindern, die Verzauberein zu erreichen, und sie werden ihre Mission um jeden Preis erfüllen. Wenn ihr Spiele mit perfektem Jump 'n' Run-Gameplay, wunderschöner Grafik, Musik in Ohrwurmqualität, liebenswerten Endgegnern, Humor und Leichtigkeit und großen, echten Gefühlen mögt … dann ist Shovel Knight wie für euch gemacht!


  • Der wunderbar authentische Stil von Shovel Knight schlägt virtuos eine Brücke von gestern bis heute. Design, Grafik und Sound sind eine Hommage an die 8-Bit-Epoche.
  • Und auf den modernen Systemen von heute kann Shovel Knight auch mit topaktuellen Features glänzen: detaillierte Animationen, vielschichtige Parallax-Hintergründe und frisches Game-Design.
  • Trainiert euer Jump 'n' Run-Können und erledigt jeden einzelnen Ritter des Ordens ohne Gnade.
  • Dreht Feinde um! Überspringt Abgründe! Duelliert euch mit Widersachern! Grabt Schätze aus! Entdeckt Geheimnisse! Verbessert eure Ausrüstung! Shovel Knight ist leicht zu erlernen und zu spielen, aber schwer zu meistern.
  • Genialer Soundtrack von Jake "Virt" Kaufman mit zusätzlichen Songs von Manami Matsumae!
  • Scheffelt Reichtümer, um Rüstung und Waffen zu verbessern.
  • Detailreiche Hintergründe und lebendige Animationen! Große, wunderschöne Pixel!
  • Liebenswerte Charaktere und tückische Endgegner!
  • Das ausgeglichene Gameplay erleichtert Einsteigern die ersten Schritte und weckt Erinnerungen bei allen Veteranen.
  • Eine locker-flockige Geschichte voller Humor, Leichtigkeit und Herz.
  • Auf der großen Karte erlebt ihr euer ganz persönliches Abenteuer!
  • Erlebt das Abenteuer ganz neu und entdeckt alle Geheimnisse der Welt dank Neues Spiel+!
  • Koop! – Schnappt euch einen Freund und spielt Shovel of Hope komplett als Koop-Abenteuer durch!
  • Herausforderungsmodus – Bei Dutzenden von anspruchsvollen Herausforderungen könnt ihr so richtig zeigen, was in euch steckt.
  • Körpertausch – Wolltet ihr auch schon immer, dass Shovel Knight eine Dame oder Shield Knight ein Herr ist? Na, dann könnt das jetzt ändern, und zwar mit brandneuen Designs für alle Hauptcharaktere!

Source: (German)

If you own Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove, you will NOT need to purchase Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope separately. This title is included with all versions of Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove.

Shovel Knight is a sweeping, classic action-adventure game with awesome gameplay, memorable characters, and an 8-bit retro aesthetic. It's a hot mashup of new and old! You play as the eponymous Shovel Knight, a small warrior with a huge quest. Shovel Knight has come to this land with two goals: to defeat the evil Enchantress and quest for his lost beloved. He wields a Shovel Blade: a multipurpose weapon whose techniques have now been lost to the ages. Always honest and helpful, Shovel Knight is a shining example of the code of Shovelry: Slash Mercilessly and Dig Tirelessly!

But, between Shovel Knight and his beloved stands a cadre of villainous knights. These terrible foes, known as The Order of No Quarter, have been dispatched to prevent Shovel Knight from reaching the Enchantress, and will pursue their mission at any cost. If you love games with perfect platforming, beautiful art, infectious music, lovable bosses, humor and levity, and real heart… Shovel Knight is for you!

Source: Description

Contributed by jaXen, Harmony♡, Rik Hideto.

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