10,000 results for "artvin"

PERSON: Arvin Chang
Credited on 2 games, including StarCraft: Remastered.
PERSON: Arvin Zhou
Credited on 4 games, including Star Wars: Squadrons.
PERSON: Arvin Cabera
Credited on 2 games, including The X-Files: Resist or Serve.
PERSON: Arvin Ghassemi
Credited on 2 games, including The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure.
PERSON: Arvin Barro
Credited on 2 games, including Shank 2.
PERSON: Arvin He
Credited on 2 games, including Dead Space.
PERSON: Arvin VanZante
Credited on Knights of Legend.
Arvin P. Van Zante was born in 1949 in Iowa. He has been an avid gamer all of his life. He play tested for Avalon Hill in the early 1970's, play testing for Randy Reed; 1776, Longest Day, and Richtofen's War. He met Todd Porter, Jeff Groteboer and Aaron Porter when he and David Barnes began a...
PERSON: Artin Karamian
Credited on TransWorld Snowboarding.
PERSON: Chris Arvin
Credited on 3 games, including Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.
PERSON: Arvin Opida
Credited on Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge.
PERSON: Arvin Aguilar
Credited on FIFA 22.
PERSON: Arvin Villapando
Credited on Demon's Souls.
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