Contributions > Descriptions by Iris-chan (70)

Iris-chan has contributed 4 descriptions to the database.

Added description to Pokémon Sapphire Version · March 15, 2003

Pokémon is back for another round catching and training! You're the new guy (or girl) in Littleroot Town, and the newest generation of Pokémon trainers. Professor Birch sends you on your way in your journey, with one of your choice of 3 starter Pokémon. There's Treecko (A grass-type chameleon-like little guy) Torchic (a Fire-type bird) and Mudkip (a Water-type amphibious creature).

Now, you've got a whole new world to explore in Hoenn, with eight new gyms and two-on-two battles, opening up a whole new myriad of tactics! New items, new Pokémon (over 350!!), and a new Pokédex to boot too! And of course we have our new villains, the nefarious Team Aqua, who plan on submerging the world in water in order to call out the Legendary Kyogre!

Only one person can stop them and become the ultimate Pokémon Master... You!

Added description to Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak · March 9, 2003

Hamtaro and his friends are back for another installment of the ever-so-popular Hamtaro craze. This time, Spat threatens to cause trouble for our protagonists, and it's up to Hamtaro to stop him before it's too late! Is a potential heartbreak for Hamtaro and Bijou imminent?!?

This version plays much like the first installment, a psuedo action/adventure/graphic-and-text adventure. Again, with 86 Ham-chat words to collect, some old faves such as the greeting "Hamha!" and some new ones like "GoGo" (Go).

Hamtaro: Ham Ham Heartbreak is based on the anime Tottoko Hamtaro, original concept by Ritsuko Kawai.

Added description to Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite! · December 2, 2002

It's Hamtaro time! Boss has a big secret in store for the Ham-Hams, but he's gotta find them first! The guy's got too much on his hands already, so he sends the loveable Carrot-headed Hamtaro out on the search for the Ham-Hams. The thing is... Hamtaro's gotta learn some hip Ham-chat if he wants everyone to listen to him. So as he ventures on in the game, he becomes the street-wise hipster, learning Ham-chat and getting into tons of adventures... and trouble!

Make friends for life! Go out and have an adventure! Remember... get everyone back to the clubhouse to see what Boss's big secret is...

This game is based on the anime Tottoko Hamtaro, created by Ritsuko Kawai.

Added description to Bokujō Monogatari: Harvest Moon for Girl · June 10, 2002

As a young girl, you took a cruise aboard a luxury ship. However, your life was in peril when the ship crashed onto the coastline. Fortunately, a young boy saved your life. Now you want to find him and show him how much you care.

There are five boys in the town. It could be any one of them. You're welcome to stay in the town, under one condition. You have to make a name for yourself by tending to the run-down farm in town and making it the best there is.

Can you step up to the challenge? It'll all be worth it when you find the guy of your dreams...

Harvest Moon for Girls is based on Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. It was released only in Japan.