Contributions > Descriptions by Xellos Metallium (20)

Xellos Metallium has contributed 1 descriptions to the database.

Added description to Vladigame · August 14, 2019

Vladigame is a game named after Vladimiro Montensinos, former head of Peru's intelligence service, Servicio de Inteligencia Nacional (SIN). He became famous for the "Vladi-videos" in the year where 2000 where secret videos recorded by Montesinos that showed him bribing elected congressmen into leaving the opposition and joining the Fujimorist side of the Congress.

In this game a boy named Niko, annoyed and alarmed by the complaints he has heard from his parents about the national situation, shoots yellow balls at various characters of the Fujimori regime. These respond by throwing metallic spheres. If Niko succeeds, he recovers millions. There are four levels of difficulty and in the last one are Vladimiro himself and his carnal Alberto (president Alberto Fujimori). The game is played as a gallery shooter from a first-person perspective with a fixed-screen environment where enemies pop up. The mouse controls the cross-hair to shoot.

The game carries the logo of Caretas, a weekly newsmagazine published in Lima, Peru, renowned for its investigative journalism.