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Destruction Derby (DOS)

A pretty good crashing game. Hehe.

The Good
I liked how all the parts of your car fell off when you crashed into other cars. That was pretty funny in my opinion. The 3D models weren't that up to scratch, but good for its time.

The Bad
I can't think of anything that made me not like this game. Almost everyone's heard of this game.

The Bottom Line
I would buy it if you see it as a budget release. A must have.

By James1 on September 27, 2001

The House of the Dead (Windows)

A good game

The Good
I liked the 3D graphics and the music. The sound effects and speech were ok too. The music is CD music redbook audio, and that is a plus (you can play the music in a normal CD player. I love stating the obvious.)

The Bad
It was too short and a bit repetitive at times. Other than that it was ok.

The Bottom Line
I bought this for $30. It's not worth more than that. If you find it for $10 or less, get it.

By James1 on September 25, 2001

Return to Zork (DOS)

One of the best adventure games

The Good
The graphics were very good for its time (1993.) I also liked the use of the FMV videos. Basically an all round good game.

The Bad
I didn't like the fact that it was too hard. You cannot finish this game without some kind of walkthrough or hint system, but thats all thats wrong with it.

The Bottom Line
I would get it if you like adventure games, and play the original zork text adventures. It helps if you do.

By James1 on September 25, 2001

Star Wars: Rebel Assault II - The Hidden Empire (DOS)

An excellent title worthy of the Star Wars and Lucasarts name.

The Good
I liked most things, the fact that all the stages were FMV's and the acting was good. Incredible graphics for its time, and I still find myself comparing its graphics with the newer games. I also liked how it had an in-built difficulty level editor.

The Bad
The ground shooting stages were too short, and it was too easy. Thats about it.

The Bottom Line
If you see it for $10, buy it. Its worth it. Even if you see it for $20.

By James1 on September 25, 2001

Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance (Windows)

The BEST space combat sim!!!

The Good
Everything!!! The graphics were excellent, the sounds were great, the music was INCREDIBLE!

The Bad
Nothing, except for some missions. They didn't beta this game too much, and some missions had bugs in them. Other than that, it was excellent.

The Bottom Line

By James1 on September 25, 2001

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Klingon Honor Guard (Windows)

A cool first person shoot em up in the star trek universe.

The Good
I got this one for $10 in a bargain bin (my friend bought it for $89.95!) I was suprised at this one, I am not a Star Trek fan, but this game was excellent. The graphics were good, the weapons were alright.

The Bad
The only thing that comes to mind is the music. It sounded like MIDI but it is CD music.

The Bottom Line
If you see it for $10 buy it. If you see it for over $20, don't bother.

By James1 on September 25, 2001

Virtua Fighter 2 (Windows)

A decent fighting game

The Good
Virtua Fighter has good graphics and a nice "arcade" feel to it. The vocals are good and the gameplay is decent.

The Bad
The characters move too slow and are sometimes difficult to control. Special attacks are at a minimum, which is disappointing news to many gamers.

The Bottom Line
A good game, but try Last Bronx if you really enjoyed this game in the arcade.

By James1 on September 25, 2001

Virtua Cop 2 (Windows)

A decent arcade-shooter

The Good
Personally, I liked the movement, the way that the camera moved every time you shot a bad guy. And the sound effects were ok. And the fact that it was Sega.

The Bad
It was too boring and too easy.

The Bottom Line
A decent game, but only buy it if you see it for $10 or less.

By James1 on September 25, 2001

The X-Files Game (Windows)

A very good adventure game

The Good
I liked how there was multiple paths, and dialogue options, and how they were all woven into the main plot. I also liked how every game is different (if you want it to be.)

The Bad
The one thing that Fox Interactive could have done was to reduce the amount of CD-swaps. I mean, the Windows version has 7 CDs, while the Playstation version has only 4, and the Playstations version has better graphics. Big difference!!!

The Bottom Line
Go out and buy it. It's basically an X-files Episode converted into a game. Oh, and did I mention to go out and buy it?

By James1 on April 18, 2001

Star Trek: Hidden Evil (Windows)

A good game worthy of the Star Trek name

The Good
This game is excellent. I liked how Ensign Sovok moves, and how the 3D in-game cutscenes fit into with the game. I also liked the voice acting. It was superb!!! There was never a moment when the speaker crackled. They actually got Patrick Stewart to do Captain Picard, which was good. And I liked the authentic character 3D models.

The Bad
I can't find anything that I didn't like, although I am still playing it.

The Bottom Line
Go out and BUY THIS GAME!!! I got mine for $8 in a DVD case. $8 is just a fraction of the price of a game such as Quake 3. GO AND BUY STAR TREK HIDDEN EVIL!!!

By James1 on April 18, 2001

The Curse of Monkey Island (Windows)

By James1 on March 18, 2001

The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard (Windows)

You are Cyrus, a Redguard mercenary, who is in search of his sister, Izara.

The Good
When I saw this game advertised on the shelf for $10, I thought "oh what the heck, probably just another boring 3d game". I was wrong. This is one of the best 3d action - adventure games I have ever seen!!! Best $10 I ever spent!!! The game is very long (It'll take you about a week to finish it even if you know all the solutions to the puzzles!), the puzzles are well-structured and the voice acting is superb!!!

The Bad
I think I have a Beta version, because the sound and voice crackles. Sometimes the game is slow. Other than that, it was fine.

The Bottom Line
Go out and buy this game today!!! This is one of the best 3d action - adventure games I have ever seen!!!

By James1 on February 20, 2001

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