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Jacob Quinn @mcjakeqcool

Contribution Score: 5 (+0 in last year)
Member Since: December 31, 2008
MSN Messenger [email protected]
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Xbox GamerTag mcjakeqcool
Location: London, United Kingdom
Messages Posted: 162
About Me:

I am mcjakeqcool, my real name is Jacob Quinn, I live in the UK, and I am intrested in computer games, I am planning on regualry editing mobygames, and I already have a profile on several other websites, particuly gaming websites. I enjoy collecting various Consoles/handhelds/PCs and I enjoy current consoles like Xboxs and Xbox 360s and older retro consoles such as Ataris and Segas, if anyone would like to reply to me, reply to me on this page, or on my eMail adress at [email protected]. mcjakeqcool Gonna do loads of changes to my profile and expand my (fairly large) console collection, so that it lists every system. I am also a underground rapper. Finally, if I get sent any offensive messages with my name on, I will not hesitate to report them. mcjakeqcool