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Nowhere Girl (8680) on 5/6/2016 4:53 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

I'm having problems with running a game again...
The setup file seems to be for sound setup only.
Now the files which could be for running the game:
dos4gw.exe and haribo.exe - game crashes
message: DOS/4GW fatal error (1004): syntax is DOS4GW (executable.xxx)
Note that I have absolutely no idea what "DOS4GW" means.
intro.exe - I can see an intro (or rather credits), but afterwards it closes down.
english.bat- it opens the intro.exe file and later it closes down as described.
Any ideas?

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Rwolf (22827) on 5/6/2016 7:43 PM · Permalink · Report

DOS4GW is a high memory manager that won't work in DosBox; instead try the DOS32A Extender which works similarly. - in D-Fend Reloaded it is a checkbox in the memory manager. You may have to edit the DOS/4GW setting in batch files launching the game.



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Nowhere Girl (8680) on 5/6/2016 10:06 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

I checked what to do, copied and renamed the file and it doesn't work. It asked me when I changed the exe file if I want to update the control sum (whatever it is). I said "no". Later it prompted again when I was trying to run it. I selected "yes", thinking it won't let me go on without it. New message:
DOS/32A fatal (8001): syntax is DOS32A (executable.xxx)

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Rwolf (22827) on 5/6/2016 11:03 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

I'll try it later; however there are some games that don't work even with DOS32A it seems.

Edit: The game worked fine for me with DOS32A loaded in the DOSbox environment. I used the DOS version with D-Fend Reloaded on XP64 - The Windows version does not like 64 bit.

I needed to mount the CD (image) of course and running setup. What version do you have? I found mine at archive.org

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Nowhere Girl (8680) on 5/7/2016 2:51 AM · Permalink · Report

Me too.
The problem is I don't know what a CD image is and what mounting really means - I just use computers without understanding the jargon... My settings:
Profile ---> add from template [or whatever it is in English - I have the Polish version of D-Fend Reloaded] ---> Normal DOS games
Program file entered: C:\Users\Ewa\Gry\Hariboy's Quest\DOS32A.exe [but it didn't work with renaming the file either]
Setup file: C:\Users\Ewa\Gry\Hariboy's Quest\setup.bat
btw, I'm definitely not going to play the game in Polish when I can see a minor (spelling) error even on the first page. It should be "Przygoda Hariboya", not "Przygoda Hariboy'a" - the apostrophe is only used when a name ends with silent letter(s) and actually a lot of Poles don't know that...

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Rwolf (22827) on 5/7/2016 10:37 AM · Permalink · Report

Mounting the CD means you use the game image (cue/bin or ISO) you have as a virtual CD disk in DOSBox. You use mount or imgmount for that in plain DOSBox: http://www.dosbox.com/wiki/MOUNT

In D-Fend Reloaded, make a new game entry as usual, then you go to the 'drives' section and add a new drive entry; you already have one for the virtual harddisk as C:, and use the 'CD Image' type - browse to where you placed the image, and select it; assign a free drive letter, e.g. D: and save the whole entry for the game - this is without the game executables, because we have not installed anything yet, only mounted the drives to use.

Launch the new (half-empty) game entry in D-Fend Reloaded, and you will get a dos box window where you can access C: and D: being the mounted virtual drives. Go to D: and find the DOS installer, (a .bat file) and run it, this should get the game installed; after installation the setup runs automatically, so it's good if you have the sound card setup before installing, also the memory etc.

Now you can edit the game entry in D-Fend Reloaded, and select the proper game executable and setup program from the installation on the virtual harddisk.

(I used the 'complex game' template, the 'Pentium' with 32MB, checked all extra memory like XMS, UMB, EMS, DOS32A and VESA 2.0 SVGA and some soundcard like SB16).

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Nowhere Girl (8680) on 5/7/2016 5:42 PM · Permalink · Report

Whatever a game image is (I just don't know what to compare it to), I probably don't have it. And, to be honest, even with my lack of knowledge about such systems I have some kind of projudice against them. It seems to me they are huge like a whale and slow like a snail... But I can try messing with "normal" settings, maybe this will help.

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Rwolf (22827) on 5/7/2016 10:57 PM · Permalink · Report

The 'image' is just a binary copy of a media disk. So for you to be able to play a game, you need either a zip file (or other archive) with the game, or a digital copy of the install disk/s.

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Nowhere Girl (8680) on 5/8/2016 5:31 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

So I have the game as a zip file (now unpacked), not a disk image.
As for my prejudice against disk images - I tried one game in this mode, "Die Höhlenwelt-Saga". And 1) disk images seem to be bigger than the games themselves were, b) in this particular case something was wrong - the game ran OK (even when it was quite hard for the computer - though now I have much less problems with overheating; I was just afraid to try opening my computer and vacuum-cleaning it, I thought I could break something... my friend helped me - she also repaired my desk fan, btw - and now my laptop hardly ever overheatsso much to shut itself down, I hope it lasts), but when I got further into the game, some trigger event just didn't want to happen and I couldn't move on. It's a pity because this game has immensely beautiful graphics - perhaps THE most beautiful game there is - and I only completed something like 30%... Now I have a technically different version (not a disk image), but there's another bug: it doesn't save... So I'll just have to find a nice day to play it and hope that the missing trigger events were a technical problem which now won't be there.
Btw: OK, let me continue this offtopic for a while: perhaps there is a way to save the game from the emulator level when something is broken and the save option doesn't work?

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Rwolf (22827) on 5/8/2016 10:55 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

It is said there is a custom version of DosBox (made by 'Ykhwong'), that have save states, but it is not something I have looked into myself.


As for the dust problem, consider all computers as disguised vacuum cleaners... I try to dust the ones I use about once a year. For a laptop it's usually enough to use dry pressured air through the ventilation hole for the fan (note: air without oil, that makes dust stick on even worse)

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Nowhere Girl (8680) on 8/29/2016 2:36 PM · Permalink · Report

Now I have a version which IS a disk image (bin/cue). So: how to create a profile for a game to be run from disk image only? I chose "boot from image", but the profile creator still says that "no elements suit search criteria" (or something like that, my D-Fend Reloaded is not in English), which seems to mean there are no bat, com or exe files. But disk-image-games don't have them anyway and should be possible to mount, whatever this process really is...

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Karsa Orlong (151834) on 8/31/2016 8:38 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

Nie wiem Ewo (ewentualnie Magdaleno), czemu tak komplikujecie. Zrób tak:
1. Uruchom Dosbox
2. Zamontuj obraz płyty: imgmount d c:\hariboy.img -t cdrom
gdzie d: to witualny naped CD, a c:\hariboy.img to nazwa i rzeczywiste umiejscowienie pliku z obrazem płyty
3. Zamontuj wirtualny HDD w jakiejś lokacji, np. mount c c:\gry
4. Zainstaluj grę d:\haribo\inst.exe , pełna instalacja do katalogu c:\gry\haribo
5. Skonfiguruj grę: c:\gry\haribo\setup\setup.bat
6. Uruchom gre: c:\gry\haribo\setup\haribo.exe
7. Zrób jakies fajne screeny :).

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Nowhere Girl (8680) on 8/31/2016 7:33 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Ale to są pliki bin i cue, a nie img... Który wybrać? Przepraszam, ja jestem graczką, ale nie znam się na technicznych szczegółach, nawet do dziś nie rozumiem, co to jest montowanie dysku... Pliki są pod adresem D:\Gry\Hariboy's Quest, C i D to twarde dyski, E to realny CD-Rom, F to realne urządzenia na USB (np. moje grajło podczas ładowania); gra musi wylądować na dysku D, bo dysk C jest bardzo zatłoczony. Wczoraj jakoś udało mi się zresztą dobrać do tego obrazu dysku, próbowałam uruchomić instalację i sukces był połowiczny - tj. niewątpliwie się otworzyło, ale komputer nie reagował, musiałam użyć ctrl-alt-del i "siłą" zamknąć program. Ale robiłam to jakoś inaczej, chyba przez funkcję "Install from source media".
Jeśli dobrze rozumiem, instalując muszę stosować się do standardów DOS takich jak do 8 znaków nazwy katalogu itd. - czy mogę zainstalować w D:\Gry\Haribo, a potem zmienić nazwę na D:\Gry\Hariboy's Quest i nie sprawić w ten sposób, że przestanie działać?

grajło - przenośny odtwarzacz muzyczny)

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Karsa Orlong (151834) on 8/31/2016 8:19 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Co do pliku, to zawsze ten większy, w tym wypadku będzie bin (np. haribo.bin, gdybys chciała iso, to na PM podrzucam link, wtedy bin zmien na iso). Montowanie to takie tworzenie obrazu rzeczywistego cd-rom z cyfrowego zapisu w jednym pliku. Montuje sie plik po to, żeby go nie wypalać na płycie. Dosbox to nic innego jak nakładka na DOS, więc obowiązują zasady dosowe. 8 znaków. Kwestia dysku C i D bez znaczenia, bo Dosbox jest środowiskiem wirtualnym. Zrób tak:
1. Uruchom Dosbox i wykonuj w nim poniższe czynności
2. Zamontuj obraz płyty: imgmount d d:\hariboy.bin -t cdrom (zakładamy ze obraz cd masz bezposrednio na rzeczywistym dysku d) - ta operacja sprawi, że w DOSboxie bedziesz miała wirtualny CD-ROM z obrazem gry na dosboxowym dysku D
3. Utwórz w windowsie katalog d:\gry\haribo
4. Zamontuj wirtualny HDD, mount c d:\gry\haribo - w DOSboxie będziesz miała dysk C, ale w rzeczywistości gra zainstaluje się na D (bo tam masz miejsce)
5.Przejdz na dysk D: d:
6. Przejdz do katalogu haribo: cd haribo
7. Zainstaluj grę inst.exe , pełna instalacja do katalogu c:\ - gra zainstaluje sie w rzeczywistym katalogu d:\gry\haribo bo tam jest zamontowany dysk c
8. Przejdz na dysk c: c:
9. Przejdz do katalogu gry:cd gry
10. Przejdz do katalogu setup:cd setup
11. Skonfiguruj grę: setup.bat
12. Przejdz do katalogu setup:cd setup
13. Uruchom gre: haribo.exe
14. PAMIĘTAJ ŻE WSZYSTKIE TE OPERACJE ROBISZ W DOSBoxie (poza rzeczywistym utworzeniem katalogu haribo) i po jego wyłączeniu trzeba będzie je ponowić. Pogrubione jest to, co musisz wpisywac w linie komend DOSBox