The X-Files Game

aka: Salaiset Kansiot, The X Files, The X-Files: Expediente X - El Juego, The X-Files: Le Jeu
Moby ID: 1

As Agent Craig Willmore, it is your job to perform the duties required by an official FBI investigation will take you into a variety of situations that will depend on effective and professional responses to the actions and inquiries of those involved in the case. You will encounter a number of questions about your case for which is your sworn duty to find the answers. Your work in the field must produce results if you're to maintain your reputation as an excellent agent. Keeping this in mind, you should be aware that distractions of personal nature might be detrimental to the pursuit of your case.


Unknown Source

You've entered the world of "The X-Files"...

As field agent Craig Willmore, assigned to assist Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully in their latest investigation into paranormal activity. Follow a trail of elusive clues, sift through evidence at crime scenes, use a wide range of standard issue FBI equipment and special tools, conduct interviews with witnesses and suspects, and make critical decisions to solve an all new X-Files case.


Back of Box

As FBI field agent Craig Willmore, assist Special Agent Sox Mulder and Dana Scully in their latest investigation into paranormal activity.

Follow the trail of clues, examine evidence at crime scenes and make critical decisions to stay ahead of a major conspiracy.

Trust No One... - Features series stars David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Mitch Pileggi and other regular cast members.

  • An original X-Files adventure from a story by series creator Chris Carter.

  • Live-action gameplay totally immerses you into the environment, mood and atmosphere of The X-Files!


PSX back cover (UK)


LOS ANGELES, (May 28, 1998) -- David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, the award-winning stars of FOX television's critically-acclaimed series "The X-Files," star as FBI agents Mulder and Scully in Fox Interactive's forthcoming live-action adventure game, THE X-FILES. VirtualCinema technology allows you to team up with Agents Mulder and Scully along with other featured characters from the television series, in a totally original, never-before-seen investigation, bringing the X-Files experience to a whole new dimension. The most eagerly anticipated game of the year, THE X-FILES will be available in June 1998 for both Windows 95 and Power Macintosh versions.

"At Fox Interactive, we continually strive to deliver products that consistently break the mold and redefine interactive entertainment," said Jon Richmond, president, Fox Interactive. "All of the original elements, coupled with technological advances, make this a unique experience for X-Files fans and gamers alike."

Original Cast & Crew Members Shot over a seven week period on location in and around Seattle, Washington, numerous creative personnel from the television series were involved in writing, shooting and developing the game, including series writer/co-executive producer Frank Spotnitz, director of photography Jon Joffin and "The X-Files" music maestro, Mark Snow.

More than 30 locations, including FBI offices, morgues, motels, businesses, residences, labs and warehouses were created to give players a seemingly boundless variety of authentic places to explore and investigate.

All-New Story and Original Game Plot Developed in close cooperation with TV series' creator, Chris Carter and Ten Thirteen Productions, THE X-FILES game is an interactive odyssey which draws you deep inside an X-Files case. Featuring a completely new story designed to provide players with a unique experience while remaining true to the intrigue of the television show, the multiple branching plot lines and advanced "Artificial Intuition"' dares players to investigate and analyze an intricate criminal conspiracy. This quest into the unknown employs a mixture of first and third person views which are constantly juxtaposed in the ever-changing cinematic environment.

You are assisted by agents Mulder and Scully, and are compelled to use your powers of observation and reason to solve the mysteries before them. Amidst a case shrouded in mystery, you are able to interact and communicate with other characters from the show, while fully exploring the gaming environment. You must examine evidence, interview witnesses and piece together facts with the ultimate goal of solving this extraordinary, original X-Files case. You can choose from a variety of dialogue branches, engaging in conversations with familiar characters and performers including Mulder, Scully, Assistant Director Skinner, the Lone Gunmen, X and other favorite surprise guest stars.

Revolutionary Gaming Technology THE X-FILES incorporates VirtualCinema 3.0 technology, a cutting-edge software engine that allows the player to become the main character in the story. Virtual Cinema is a fast, robust, multi-platform engine which supports full screen video, simultaneous video and audio playback, a wide variety of graphics effects, graphic animation and intelligent hot spots.

An intuitive user interface facilitates navigation to immerse you into the world of Agent Craig Willmore, a junior field agent with the Seattle FBI. An idea inventory feature enables you to present various objects and evidence to other characters and further your investigation. The characters are also intuitive, responding not only to the player's choices, but also to attitudes and behavior, which change as the game progresses, depending on the course of previous events.

"The VirtualCinema engine measures the responses and activities of the player and applies them back to the original storyline," said Jon Richmond, president, Fox Interactive. "With the VirtualCinema software and story-driven interactivity, we capture the mysterious X-Files style and provide players with a unique and authentic interactive experience."

THE X-FILES game is developed by HyperBole Studios of Seattle, Washington using the company's proprietary VirtualCinema technology.

Recognized as an innovative global industry leader, Fox Interactive, an operating unit of Fox Filmed Entertainment, a News Corporation company, is committed to developing a full range of bold and engaging interactive entertainment. Fox Interactive products are distributed by Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. Check out Fox Interactive on the Internet at





Press Release









Advertisement in PC Games, December 1998 (German)

Træd Ind I X-Files Verdenen


Træd ind i en verden, hvor der ligger farer skjult bag hver eneste skygge. Og hvor hver eneste sag er omgivet af fortrolighed. På din vej til at løse dette indviklede mysterium skal du som agent Crag Willmore udforske mangfoldige spor og handlingsforløb sammen med Mulder og Scully.

Du vil hele tiden være et skridt foran FBI.

Men husk; sandheden er ikke derude mere — den er her.

Spillet er derude... I Juli til PC & MAC.


Private Computer PC Magazine (August, 1998)

Sei entrato nel mondo degli X-Files.

Entra nel mondo di «The X-Files» nei panni dell'agente sul campo Craig Willmore, assistente degli agenti speciali mulder e Scully nelle loro indagini. Seguendo una debole traccia di indizi, dovrai passare al setaccio i luoghi del delitto alla ricerca di prove concrete, condurre interrogatori, prendere decisioni importanti per il caso, e guardarti dai possibili occultamenti delle prove. Avrai a disposizione un gran numero di tracce da seguire nelle tue investigazioni: scopri se possiedi l'intelligenza, l'acume e la pazienza neccessari per risolvere un nuovissimo caso etichettato come «X-Files».

  • Con i protagonisti della serie TV David Duchovny, Gillan Anderson, Mitch Pileggi, Steven Williams e altri membri del cast
  • Sequenze filmate originali girate nei luoghi originali da una storia di Chris Carter
  • Virtual Cinema® offre la possibilità di seguire diverse trame, che cambiano a seconda delle azioni che compi, di come ti comporti e di come interagisci con gli altri personaggi
  • L'azione di gioco realistica fa si che il giocatore si immerga completamente negli avvenimenti, nelle senzazioni e nell'atmosfera di X-Files!


Italian distributor's website (PC/Mac version)

Sei entrato nel mondo degli X-Files

Entra nel mondo di "The X-Files" nei panni dell'agente sul campo Craig Willmore, assistente degli Agenti Speciali Mulder e Scully nelle loro indagini. Seguendo una debole traccia di indizi, dovrai passare al setaccio i luoghi del delitto alla ricerca di prove concrete, condurre interrogatori, prendere decisioni importanti per il caso, e guardarti dai possibili occultamenti delle prove, Avrai a disposizione un gran numero di tracce da seguire nelle tue investigazioni: scopri se possiedi l'intelligenza, l'acume e la pazienza necessari per risolvere un nuovissimo caso etichettato come "X-Files".

Con i protagonisti della serie TV David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Mitch Pileggi, Steven Williams e altri membri del cast

Sequenze filmate originali girate nei luoghi originali da una storia di Chris Carter

Virtual Cinema® offre la possibilità di seguire diverse trame, che cambiano a seconda delle azioni che compi, di come ti comporti e di come interagisei con gli altri personaggi

L'azione di gioco realistica fa sì che il giocatore si immerga completamente negli avvenimenti, nelle sensazioni e nell'atmosfera di X- Files!


Back of Box - Windows/Macintosh (IT)

Enter the world of "The X-Files"...

as field agent Craig Willmore, assigned to assist Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully in their latest investigation into paranormal activity. Follow a trail of elusive clues, sift through evidence at crime scenes, use a wide range of standard issue FBI equipment and special tools, conduct interviews with witnesses and suspects, and make critical decisions to solve an all new X-Files case.

Features series stars David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Mitch Pileggi, and other regular cast members.

All original footage shot entirely on location from a story created by Chris Carter.

Branching multiple plot lines change in response to your actions, behavior and attitude towards each other. 


Back of Jewel Case - PlayStation (US)

Dans le rôle de l'agent Craig Willmore, vous prêtez assistance aux agents spéciaux Fox Mulder et Dana Scully dans leur toute dernière enquête sur les phénomènes paranormaux. Récupérez les indices, analysez les preuves sur les lieux du crime et sachez prendre les décisions qui conviennent pour échapper au complot qui vous entoure.

Ne faites confiance à personne...  

  • Avec les star de la série télévisée David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Mitch Pileggi et d'autres acteurs connus.

  • Un épisode original de la série X-Files signé par son créateur Chris Carter.

  • Plongez au coeur de l'atmosphère envoûtante des X-Files et revivez le suspense de la série grâce à l'action très prenante de ce jeu!


Back of Jewel Case - PlayStation (FR)

Als FBI Field Agent Craig Willmore, help jij Special Agents Fox Mulder en Dana Scully bij hun nieuwste onderzoek naar paranormale activiteit.

Volg het spoor aanwijzingen, onderzoek bewijsmateriaal op plaatsen van misdaad en maak belangrijke beslissingen om een grote samenzwering voor te blijven.

  • Met sterren als David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Mitch Pileggi en andere vaste spelers uit de serie.

  • Een originele aflevering van de X-Files naar een verhaal van Chris Carter.

  • Met de liver-action gameplay zit je helemaal in de wereld, omgeving en sfeer van The X-Files!


Back of Jewel Case - PlayStation (NL)

Como agente de campo del FBI, Craig Willmore, asiste a los Agentes Especiales Fox Mulder y Dana Scully en su última investigación spbre fenómenos paranormales.

Sigue las pistas, examina las pruebas en la escena del crimen y toma decisiones cruciales para adelantarte a una conspiración de gran envergadura.

No confíes en nadie...

  • Con la actuación estelar de David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Mitch Pileggi y otros miembros habituales del reparto.

  • Un episodio original de Expediente X a partir de la historia del creador de la serie Chris Carter.

  • ¡Un juego de acción que te introducirá de lleno en el entorno y el ambiente de Expediente X!


Back of Jewel Case - PlayStation (ES)

You've entered the world oF "The X-Files"...

as field agent Craig Willmore, assigned to assist Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully in their latest investigation into paranormal activity. Follow a trail of elusive clues, sift through evidence at crime scenes, use a wide range of standard issue FBI equipment and special tools, conduct interviews with witnesses and suspects, and make critical decisions to solve an all new X-Files case.

Du befinner dig i den värld som är Arkiv X

Som agent Craig Willmore har du i uppdrag att hjälpa agenterna Fox Mulder och Dana Scully i deras undersökningar av det övernaturliga. Följ spår av dunkla ledtrådar och bevismaterial på brottsplatser, håll intervjuer med vittnen och misstänkta samt använd dig av FBI:s utrustning och specialverktyg för att komma fram till de avgörande beslut som krävs för att lösa det helt nya Arkiv X-fallet.

Features series stars David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Mitch Pileggi, and other regular cast members.

Skådespelare från originalserien: David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Mitch Pileggi, Steven Williams med flera.

All original footage shot entirely on location from a story created by Chris Carter.

Samtliga seener är filmade speciellt för denna historia skapad av Chris Carter.

VirtualCinema® provides branching multiple plot lines that change in response to your actions, behavior and attitude towards others.

VirtualCinema® skapar ett realistiskt äventyr där historien förändras i takt med ditt uppträdande och förhållningsśätt mot andra.

Live-action gameplay totally immerses the player into the environment, mood and atmosphere of The X-Files for the first time!

Spelaren kastas in i Arkiv X-miljön och atmosfären genom det unika realtidsäventyret!


Back of Box - Windows (DK/FI/NO/SE/UK)

Sie befinden sich in der Welt der X-Files

Sie sind Agent Craig Willmore. Ihre Aufgabe ist, Special Agents Fox Mulder und Dana Scully bei der neuesten Ermittlung paranormaler Aktivitäten zu unterstützen. Sie folgen einer Reihe von mysteriösen Hinweisen, untersuchen am Tatort die Indizien, verwenden FBI-Ausrüstung un spezielle Geräte, vernehmen Zeugen und Verdächtige und fällen wichtige Entscheidungen zur Lösung eines brandneuen Falles der X-Files.

Mit den Serienstars David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Mitch Pileggi, und vielen anderen.

Die Filmszenen wurden an Original-Scauplätzen nach einer Geschichte von Chris Carter gedreht.

Durch Virtual Cinema® entstehen viele verschiedene Handlungsstränge. Ihr Verhalten, Ihre Handlungen un Ihr Umgang mit den Darstellern beeinflussen den Spielverlauf.

Das realistische Gameplay läßt den Spieler komplett in die Umgebung, Stimmung un Atmosphäre einstauchen!


Back of Box - Windows (DE)

La vérité est ailleurs: découvrez-la enfin su votre PC

Entrez dans le monde d'X-Files. Vous incarnez l'enquêteur Craig Willmore et aidez les agents spéciaux Mulder et Scully à mener leur dernière affaire non cassée. Vous découvrirez des indices, examinerez des preuves, réunirez des témoignages et tenterez d'empêcher qu'une affaire soit étouffée. Vous avez à votre disposition l'équipement du FBI et des objets spéciaux pour interroger les suspects et témoins, prendre les décisions qui s'imposent et percer tous les mystères de ce nouveau dossier. Saurez-vous résoudre les énigmes des X-Files?

Retrouvez une distribution prestigieuse avec David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Mitch Pileggi, Steven Williams et les autres acteurs de la série. 

Le scénario a été écrit par Chris Carter. Le tournage des séquences vidéo a duré sept semaines et s'est déroulé dans les environs de Seattle et de Washington. 

La nouvelle technique du VirtualCinema® a permis de créer une aventure d'un réalisme étonnant. Grâce à une gestion de l'intelligence artificielle sophistiquée, les personnages contrôlés par l'ordinateur réagissent à ce que vous dites et à ce que vous faites.

Grâce à une excellente jouabilité, le joueur est immédiatement plongé dans l'environnement et l'ambiance des X-files !


Back of Box - Windows (FR)

Ha entrado en el mundo de Expediente X

Asuma el papel de Craig Willmore, designado para ayudar a los Agentes especiales Fox Mulder y Dana Scully en su más reciente investigación sobre actividad paranormal. Siga el rastro de complicadas pistas, busque evidencias en las escenas del crimen, hago uso del equipo y herramientas especiales utilizadas por el FBI, entreviste a testigos y sospechosos, y tome decisiones criticas para resolver un nuevo caso de Expediente X.

Presenta las estrellas de la serie David Duchovny. Gillian Anderson, Mitch Pileggi, Steven Williams y otros miembros del reparto. 

Todas las escenas han sido rodadas totalmente en exteriores, según el guión creado por Chris Carter.

El sistema Virtual Cinema® genera un entorno variable que responderá de múltiples formas a las acciones, comportamiento y actitud del jugador.

¡La viva dinámica del juego introduce totalmente al jugador en el ambiente, humor y atmósfera de Expediente X desde el primer momento!


Back of Box - Windows (ES)

Als FBI-Agent Craig Willmore besteht Ihre Aufgabe darin, den sonderagenten Fox Mulder und Dana Scully bei ihrer neusten Untersuchung übernatürlicher Aktivitäten zu assistieren.

Folgen Sie den Spuren, sichten Sie Indizien am Tatort, und treffen Sie Entschidungen, die eine umfassende Verschwörung verhindern.

Mißtrauen ist dabei alles...

  • Die Serienstars David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Mitch Pileggi und andere Mitglieder des Teams spielen mit.

  • Eine Akte X-Originalepisode nach einer Story vom Schöpfer der Serie Chris Carter.

  • Fesselndes Live-Action-Gameplay versetzt Sie ganz in die Umgebung und Atmosphäre der Akte X!


Back of Jewel Case - PlayStation (AT/DE)

Contributed by skl, WONDERなパン, Brian Hirt, jean-louis, Xoleras, Apogee IV, MAT, Jeanne.

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