Pato Box

Moby ID: 110629

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PlayStation 4 credits (2018)

27 people with 41 credits.


Producer Samir Duran Kuri
Studio Operations Samir Duran Kuri
Programmer Adrian Antonio Gutiérrez Gallardo
Game Director Adrian Antonio Gutiérrez Gallardo
Technical Artist Heriberto Toxqui Cano
Particle Designer Heriberto Toxqui Cano
Game Design Heriberto Toxqui Cano
Illustrators Colette Gelabert Dorame, Carlos Abraham Ponce Frías, Claudia Quezada Bello (Hioseb)
Animator Colette Gelabert Dorame
Writing Support Colette Gelabert Dorame
Programmers Luis Enrique Vera Priego, David Becerra Salinas
Social Media Carlos Abraham Ponce Frías
3D Modeling Emmanuel Castro Flores
Testing Joaquín Cardenas Urbano

2think Design Studio

Creative Manager César Arminio López Velarde
Writer César Arminio López Velarde
Art Direction César Arminio López Velarde
Lead Game Designer César Arminio López Velarde
Text Editor Sara Kent Carrasco
Support Sara Kent Carrasco


Music Supervisor & Composer Luis Vázquez De Lara Padilla
Sound Supervisor & Sound Designer Alejandro Aspinwall Oliver
Sound Assistant Giovanni Arenas Olmos
Music Adviser Fernando Vázquez De Lara Padilla
Support Fernando Vázquez De Lara Padilla

Special Thanks

Illustrators Citlali De La Cruz Téllez, Stephanie Michelle Hernández Cerón, Luis Alejandro Carrasco Molin, Karina Graciela Carranza Chávez
Textures Stephanie Michelle Hernández Cerón, Luis Alejandro Carrasco Molin
Social Media Josefina Colmenero Gómez
3D Modeling Jorge Augusto Torres Lastra
Cleanup Artists Alejandro Ortega (Axo), Beli De La Torre


Closing Credits Song 'Aurevoir' Vangal [By], Jorge Ferro (Author), All rights reserved
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MobyPro Early Access

People credited on this game were also credited on:

Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

Credits contributed by Sciere.