Dwarf Madness

Moby ID: 181832

Xbox 360 credits (2013)

10 people (6 professional roles, 4 thanks)

Dwarf Madness

Dwarf Madness Dwarf Madness was a #onegameamonth for May 2013, but the small project gained support from friends until it became a larger release in Sept 2013. Thanks to Amanda, Jacob, Rob, Francis, and the many more who played and gave great feedback!
Songs licensed under Creative Commons
Thanks to Bipole Moment ['Time Spelunkers'], Callisto ['8 Bit Cave Dweller [Remix]'], Wim Naudts (credited as Funkywim) ('Symphonic Black Metal Chiptune'), lbos10 ['8 Bit Underground Cave']
Art provided by opengameart.org, charas-project.org, and other kind souls
Thanks for playing This isn't the last time you will see the Dwarves of Dwyll!
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Credits contributed by Koterminus.