Rambo III

Moby ID: 26053


He's back! Now, live the movie Rambo III on your Sega System! Colonel Trautman has been captured by the Soviet forces in Afghanistan. The C.I.A. is ready to leave him there. They are afraid a rescue mission will cause an international incident.

You don't care what it causes. Trautman is your friend...and you're going to get him back! For weapons you have a Sega Light Phaser with the power of an AK-47 and the blast of a hand grenade. But the Soviets know you are coming and they're armed and waiting! Gunship helicopters. Spetsnaz troopers. Their meanest fighters.

But you're Rambo, the eternal warrior. If anyone can beat the odds and rescue Trautman, it's you. But this battle won't be easy. After all, you're the one they called expendable...


Back of Case - Sega Master System (US)

Rambo III®

Rambo está de volta numa

perigosa aventura nas areias do

deserto. Sua missão dessa vez é

ainda mais arriscada: seu amigo,

Coronel Trautman, foi capturado

pelos inimigos e está preso num

esconderijo. Só você poderá trazê-lo

de volta. Use a Pistola Light Phaser,

agora transformada numa

super metralhadora.

A coragem, precisão de tiros e os

reflexos apurados farão de você o

vencedor! O Coronel Trautman está

contando com você...


Back of Box - Sega Master System (Brazil)

Contributed by coenak, chirinea.

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