🕹️ New release: Lunar Lander Beyond

Wing Commander

aka: Squadron, WC1, Wing Commander: Der 3D-Raumkampf-Simulator, Wing Commander: The 3-D Space Combat Simulator, Wingleader
Moby ID: 3

You're a starfighter pilot, the best of the best, but nothing in your training prepared you for action this hot. Deepspace dogfights against Kilrathi aces are deadly, and the future of humanity is on the line each time you fly!

Wing Commander puts you in the middle of the most intense starship action you've ever experienced outside of a movie theater. But in Wing Commander, you're the star!

  • Experience ORIGIN's amazing new state-of-the-art computer graphics and sound system.

  • Marvel at the detailed, ray-traced, bit-mapped images in ORIGIN's cutting-edge 3-D technology

  • Thrill to the dynamic soundtrack that senses the action on-screen and alters the pacing, tempo, and mood of the music to match!

  • Advance in rank while piloting one of four unique Terran spacefighters against a deadly array of enemy ships.

  • See the action from all angles using Wing Commander's play-controller camera

  • Count on your wingman, a skill pilot, thanks to the advanced Wing Commander artificial intelligence system, but don't get cocky: The enemy flies intelligently, too!

  • Play individual missions for fun or join in an elaborate campaign designed to test your reflexes and strategic skills.


Unknown Source


OMNI and Computer Gaming World's Game of the Year! Wing Commander turned the action-simulation category upside down with a unique combination of spectacular 3-D graphics, an emotion-filled storyline and a dynamic musical soundtrack that alters the music to match the action. Grab a joystick and prepare for the sci-fi dogfighting experience of your life when you take on the nimble, cat-like Kilrathi in head-to-head space combat. Special $29.95 limited time offer!


1993 Origin Catalog


The Terran Confederation is locked in a deadly galactic war with the Kilrathi, a vicious, militaristic alien race whose space combat tactics pose a grim threat to the survival of manning.

You command a wing of Terran spacefighters as you lead fast-paced, strategic sorties against advancing waves of Kilrathi attack ships.

  • Experience realtime spaceflight simulation, combat tactics and pilot-to-pilot interaction as you've only imagined them in the movies until now.

  • Witness the most sophisticated, 3-D graphics technology ever seen on a personal computer.

  • Experience the intelligent music and sound system that dynamically adjusts the tempo and mood of the music to match the action of the game.*

* Music boards highly recommended for IBM-compatible: Roland MT-32 or LAPC-1, Ad-Lib, Sound Blaster


1991-92 Origin Product Catalog

*"Wingleader One! Wingleader One! Bogies all around! Can't shake 'em!"

"Hold on, Hunter, I'm on my way!..."*

You're a starfighter pilot, the best of the best, but nothing in your training prepared you for action this hot. Deepspace dogfights against Kilrathi aces are deadly, and the future of humanity is on the line each time you fly!

Wing Commander puts you in the middle of the most intense starship action you've ever experienced outside of a movie theater. But in Wing Commander, you're the star!

  • EXPERIENCE ORIGIN's amazing new state-of-the-art computer graphics and sound system.
  • Marvel at the detailed, ray-traced, bit-mapped images in ORIGIN's cutting-edge 3-D technology.
  • Thrill to the dynamic soundtrack that senses the action on-screen and alters the pacing, tempo, and mood of the music to match.
  • Advances in rank while piloting one of four unique Terran spacefighters against a deadly array of enemy ships.
  • See the action from all angles using Wing Commander's player-controlled camera.
  • Count on your wingman, a skilled pilot, thanks to the advanced Wing Commander artificial intelligence system, but don't get too cocky: the enemy flies intelligently too!
  • Play individual missions for fun or join in an elaborate campaign designed to test your reflexes and strategic skills.


Back of Box

Kick Some Kilrathi Butt!

Nothing else will have prepared you for the look and feel of Wing Commander on your Super NES. Here's why!

Wing Commander has incredible 3D action, full-screen explosions, 33 super stereo soundtracks and CD game quality. But it plays on your Super Nintendo.

Wing Commander is the most extremely cool, 3D Space Combat Simulator with more than 40 separate deep space missions that progress to near suicide dogfighting with the tiger-like Kilrathi. It's like an action-adventure movie - and you're the star!

Are you up for the challenge? This award-winning megahit is now available for the Super NES. Kick some Kilrathi butt with Wing Commander.

* More than 40 separate missions that get more complex as you progress.

* It's like you're the star in a deep space action-adventure movie.

* Wingmates like "Spirit" cover your tail as you fight the tiger-like Kilrathi.

* Trounce the Kilrathi and be a hero - Lose and attend your own funeral.


U.S. print ad (SNES)


It's the 27th century, and mankind is locked in a deadly war with the Kilrathi Empire, a race of cat-like aliens determined to conquer the Terran Confederation. Launching from the TCS Tiger's Claw, you and your faithful wingmen fearlessly battle Kilrathi aces head-on in heated, deep space dogfights.

As one of the Confederations' top pilots, you've been summoned to defend the TCS Tiger's Claw. If you can't outsmart the Kilrathi cats, no one can! It's not enough to just win a single battle - you must prevail through the entire campaign to save all of humanity.

  • Pilot your Hornet, Scimitar, Rapier or Raptor through 40 thrilling missions packed to the max with intense combat action!

  • Dust yet another Kiltathi as you show off your years of Academy training and expertise in a deep space dogfight

  • Evade enemy missiles, hurtling asteroids and debris as you take on two, three, even four relentless Kilrathi at once!

Full Digitized Speech

Whether you're on the carrier or soaring through space, you'll be able to hear mission briefings, enemy taunts and your wingmen's emphatic warnings!

Multiple Camera Views

Check your port and starboard for enemies, lock onto a target and launch your missile. An onbound weapon camera captures the action as your heat-seeker slams into a Kilrathi ship and turns it into an exploding fireball!

Character Interaction

Collect valuable tips and strategies from your fellow pilots as you take a break and relax in the Tiger's Claw lounge. Learn how to attack a Salthi and identify the enemy's weakness ... all you have to do is ask.

Interactive Communications

You take control of the battlefield - order your wingman to break formation, form on your wing, attack your target or head for base!

Ranks and Awards

Advance in ranks as you succeed in your missions - if you're good enough, you'll be rewarded with better ships and weapon capabilities. If you're excellent, you may even topple the evil Kilrathi Empire and save the Terran worlds from destruction.

Wing Commander set the benchmark in computer gaming. Wing Commander CD continues the tradition, packing cinematics and full speech into a single optical disk!


Back Cover - Sega CD (US)


The 3-D Space Combat Simulator

Intense, cinematic action, with one big difference... you're in command! The fate of humanity is in your hands as you lead the Tiger's Claw squadron against the forces of the Kilrathi empire. Your skills, your experience and your wingman are your only allies.

Features* Unmatched 3-D animation in complex, exciting battle scenes * Join an elaborate campaign... or play groups of missions for fun! * Dynamic, action-sensitive musical soundtrack to match the unfolding on-screen drama * Interactive communication between a variety of wing leaders and their wingmen — the ultimate in artificial intelligence


Back of Box - SNES (CA-MX-US)



  • Thrill to the dynamic soundtrack that senses the action on-screen and alters the pacing, tempo and mood of the music to match!
  • Advance in rank while piloting one of four unique Terran spacefighters against a deadly array of enemy ships.
  • See the action from all angles using Wing Commander's player-controlled camera.
  • Laissez-vous porter par la formidable bande son de ce jeu dont le tempo suit l'action à l'écran et vous donnera des frissons de plaisir et de terreur.
  • Avancez en rangs aux commandes d'un des quatre terribles appareils Terran face aux attaques mortelles des vaisseaux ennemis.
  • Observez l'action sous tous les angles grâce aux caméras de Wing Commander, contrôlées par le joueur.


Back of Box - DOS (FR-UK)


You're a starfighter pilot, the best of the best, but nothing in your training prepared you for action this hot. Deepspace dogfights against Kilrathi aces are deadly, and the future of humanity is on the line each time you fly! Wing Commander puts you in the middle of the most intense starship action you've ever experienced outside of a movie theatre. But in Wing Commander, you're the star!* Thrill to the dynamic soundtrack that senses the action on-screen and alters the pacing, tempo and mood of the music to match! * Advance in rank while piloting one of four unique Terran spacefighters against a deadly array of enemy ships. * See the action from all angles using Wing Commander's player-controlled camera. * Count on your wingman, a skilled pilot, thanks to the advanced Wing Commander artificial intelligence system, but don't get cocky: the enemy flies intelligently too!

Vous êtes pilote de starfighter, l'as de as, mais votre entraînement ne vous a pas préparé à une mission aussi dangereuse que les combats aériens dans l'espace contre les cracs de Kilrathi.
Presque du suicide. Et le futur de l'humanité repose sur vos épaules chaque fois que vous prenez l'air! Wing Commander vous place au centre des combats les plus intenses, comme on n'en voit qu'au cinéma. Mais dans Wing Commander, c'est vous la vedette!* Laissez vous porter par la formidable bande son de ce jeu dont le tempo suit l'action à l'écran et vous donnera des frissons de plaisir et de terreur. * Avancez en rangs aux commandes d'un des quatre terribles appareils Terran face aux attaques mortelles des vaisseaux ennemis. * Observez l'action sous tous les angles grâce aux caméras de Wing Commander, contrôlées par le joueur. * Faites confiance à votre co-pilole, un champion, grâce au système d'intelligence artificielle de Wing Commander, mais ne vous endormez pas, vos ennemis aussi sont futés!

Sei un pilota di starfighter, il fior fiore dei piloti, ma nel tuo addestramento nessuno li ha preparalo per una missione così difficile. I combattimenti ravvicinati nello spazio profondo contro gli assi Kilrathi sono micidiali e il futuro dell'umanità é in gioco ogni volta che voli!br>Wing Commander ti mette nel bel mezzo dell'impresa più dura nello spazio che tu abbia mai visto fuori dal cinema. Ma in Wing Commander sei tu il protagonista principale!* Prova sensazioni emozionanti all'ascolto della dinamica colonna sonora che riflette l'azione sullo schermo e dove il ritmo e il tono della musica cambiano con il cambiare delle scene! * Conquista un grado superiore mentre piloti uno dei quattro singolari caccia Terran contro una squadriglia micidiale di aeroplani nemici. * Osserva l'azione da tutti gli angoli con la telecamera controllala dal giocatore di Wing Commander. * Fai affidamento sul tuo abile pilota che vola in posizione arretrata grazie all'avanzato sistema di intelligenza artificiale di Wing Commander, ma non essere presuntuoso, anche il nemico é un pilota intelligente!


Back of Box (HIT Squad) - DOS (FR-IT-UK)


"Rottenführer Eins! Rottenführer Eins! Bin von feindlichen Raumschiffen umgeben! Kann sie nicht abschütteln!" "Halte durch, Hunter, ich komme ... "

Sie sind ein Jagdpilot der Spitzenklasse, aber selbst die härteste Ausbildung konnte Sie nicht San auf das vorbereiten , was Sie hier erwartet. Die Luftkämpfe gegen die kilrathischen Asse sind tödlich, und bei jedem Ihrer Einsätze geht es um das Schicksal der Menschheit! Mit Wing
Commander geraten Sie mitten ins intensivste Kampfgeschehen, das Sie jemals außerhalb eines
Kinos erlebt haben. Und bei Wing Commander sind Sie der Star!

  • Erleben Sie die phantastischen Computergrafiken und das Soundsystem von ORIGIN.
  • Bewundern Sie die mit Ray-Tracing-Technik erstellten detailreichen Bilder in ORIGINS unübertroffener 3-D-Darstellung.
  • Lassen Sie sich von dem dynamischen Soundtrack mitreißen, in dem Stimmung und Tempo der Action auf dem Bildschirm widergespiegelt werden.
  • Erklimmen Sie als Pilot einer der vier einzigartigen terranischen Raumjäger die Karriereleiter, und bekämpfen Sie die bedrohliche feindliche Raumschiffflotte.
  • Beobachten Sie die Kampfhandlungen aus jedem Blickwinkel mit der vom Spieler gesteuerten Kamera.
  • Vertrauen Sie auf Ihren Rottenkameraden, der dank des KI-Systems von Wing Commander ein hervorragender Pilot ist, aber werden Sie nicht übermütig - der Feind versteht auch etwas vom Fliegen!
  • Fliegen Sie zum Spaß einzelne Einsätze, oder nehmen Sie an einem großen Feldzug teil, bei dem Ihr Reaktionsvermögen und Ihre taktischen Fähigkeiten auf die Probe gestellt werden.

"Phantastische Grafik; ein Spiel, bei dem Wert auf Details gelegt wurde; eine bemerkenswerte Kampfmaschine in 3-D."
- PC Magazine

"Ein Kampf im Weltraum wie er sein sollte."
- Amiga Power


Back of Box - Amiga (DE)


"¡Wingleader Uno! ¡Wingleader Uno! ¡Enemigos por todos los lados! ¡No puedo con ellos! "

"¡Aguanta, Hunter, estoy en camino ... ! "

Tú eres un piloto de una nave de combate, lo mejor de lo mejor, pero nada en tu entrenamiento te preparó para una acción tan fuerte. ¡Los combates espaciales contra los ases de Kilrathi son mortales, y el futuro de la humanidad está en juego cada vez que vuelas!
Wing Commander te sitúa en medio de la acción espacial más intensa que hayas experimentado jamás fuera de un cine. ¡Pero en Wing Commander tú eres la estrella!

  • Experimenta el sorprendente nuevo sistema de gráficos y sonido por ordenador de ORIGIN
  • Maravillate ante las detalladas imágenes en la innovadora tecnología 3D de ORIGIN.
  • Estremecete con la banda sonora dinámica que contempla la acción en la pantalla y cambia el ritmo, la velocidad y el tiempo paracoincidir.
  • Asciende de rango mientras pilotas una de las cuatro únicas naves terráqueas contra una mortal flota de naves enemigas.
  • Observa la acción desde todos los ángulos utilizando la cámara controlada por el jugador de Wing Commander.
  • Confía en tu compañero, un hábil piloto, gracias al avanzado sistema de inteligencia
    artificial de Wing Commander, pero no te duermas en los laureles; el enemigo también es inteligente.
  • Juega misiones individuales para divertirte o únete en una campaña elaborada para probar tus reflejos y habilidades estratégicas.

Cada imagen de esta caja
se sacó del juego:
¡Lo que ves es lo que juegas!™


Back of Box - DOS (ES)


27世紀、 人類は邪悪な軍国主義者のキルラー星人と泥沼のような戦争の最中にあった。 この戦いのカギは地球連合軍の大胆不敵なパイロット達の腕にかかっていた。 キルラー帝国軍のエースパイロット達と人類の未来の為に宇宙の深淵で戦う彼らは、 常に二人一組で隊を編成し互いに助け合った。 このゲームは、 勇敢な彼らウィングマン達の物語である。ゲームの舞台はキルラー戦役最大の激戦地となったヴェガ星域である。 プレイヤーは新人パイロットとして地球連合軍の誇る、 大型空母 「タイガーズ・ クロー」に配属さ れる。任務 は「哨戒」、「護衛」、「強襲」、「救援」、「迎撃」等、 多岐にわたる。 指令官から任務を与えられ、 一緒に飛ぶウィングマンが決まったら作戦開始だ! 空母を発進したプレイヤーの前には漆黒の深宇宙が3Dで拡がる。高速で飛来するキルラー帝国軍の戦闘機をかわし、敵の大型巡洋艦を仲間と協力して沈める醍醐味は他では味わえない快感だ。

特 徴

  • ORIGIN 社の3D技術を駆使した256色の美しいグラフィック。
  • パイロットは「ホーネット」「シミター」、 「レイピア」、 「ラプター」の4機種に搭乗。
  • 攻撃武器として、 各種レーザー砲やミサイルを搭載。 それぞれの長所を活かし、 敵によって使い分ける。
  • 仲間とコミュニケーションし、協力して任務を遂行。 敵を怒らせチャンスをつかめ。FMTOWNS版は有名声優を起用、 音声で喋る。 (神谷明、 古谷徹、 日高のり子、 笠原弘子 他)臨場感を盛り上げる、 オリジナルCD サウンド。
  • パッド、 マウス、 キーボード、アナログ ・ジョイスティック 等、各種入力装置に対応。フライトシミュレーターだから視点をかえるのも自由。
  • 出撃シーンや受賞式、 宇宙葬など、 まるでSF 映画のようなアメーションが美しい。
  • 個々の任務の成否が戦況を左右するマルチ・エンディング方式。


Back of Case - FM Towns (JP)

〝老大!老大!四面八方都是敵機 , 我無法擺脫它們!〞

〝獵人 , 穩著點 , 我來了!······〞

你是一流的太空戰鬥飛行員(你必須是) , 萬中選一 , 好手中的
好手 , 在人類對抗Kilrathi  精銳部隊的行動裡 , 你是人類流清剿
入侵異星部隊的最大希望 !

駕駛太空戰鬥機 , 一次又一次地從母艦Tiger's
Claw出發執行任務 , 座機也隨著輝煌戰績一再昇級
 , 很快地 , 你將和敵軍在宇宙空間展開一場王牌大
對決 !你行嗎 ? ·········

特點 :

  • P C 史上目前唯一比美大型電玩聲光效果的模擬立 體射擊遊戲 !
  • 衆多友人不時給予忠告 , 並將在太空中挑戰多位敵 軍飛行高手 !
  • 隨同出擊的僚機將依你的戰術指示協同作戰 !
  • 精緻畫面 + 豐富音樂 = 心跳狂奔 (高血壓患者請由 醫師陪同遊戲 !)

V G A 和魔奇音效卡的完美組合, 百看不厭 !

  • 除了一般 視窗 , 還有特製專用攝影鏡頭讓你嘆為觀 止 !
  • 特多任務要你徹底過癮 , 場場精彩 , 不單調不重複 !
  • 擁有擴充記憶可進行影視通訊。
  • 更重要的是一一你能清楚地發覺每次任務的成敗對歷史 所造成的影響···



Back of Case - DOS (CN)

The 3-D Space Combat Simulator



も満載! 宇宙戦闘シミュレーター!!

  • アフターバーナー でフル加速! スピード感あふれ
  • 司令官から任務の説明がなされる。
    場面の数々。 映画の中に入り込んだような臨場感!!


Back of Jewel Case - SEGA CD (JP)


Der 3-D Weltraum Kampfsimulator

Einmalige Spannung mit einem großen Unterschied - Du hast das
Das Schicksal der Menscheit liegt in Deinen Händen. Du führst das
Geschwader der "Tiger Claws" gegen die Streitkräfte der Kilrathi.
Deine Fähigkeiten, Deine Erfahrung und Dein Flügelmann sind Deine
einzigen Verbündeten.

• Unübertroffene 3-D Animation mit aufregenden
• Nimm teil an einem ausgetüftelten Feldzug, oder spiele einfach
zum Spaß.
• Mit einem Supersound passend zu deinen Einsätzen.
• Wechselseitige Kommunikation zwischen den verschiedenen
Piloten und deren Flügelmännern.
- Das Beste künstlicher Intelligenz!


Back of Box - SNES (DE)


これはテストフライトで ない は、実戦だ!!


戦争に終止符を打つべく、 重戦闘
とする独立艦隊が結成された。 指

• 3D 画面による迫力のフライト&コンバット
• 凄腕型、冷静沈着型、瞬間沸騰型と個性豊かな8 人のパイロットが 君 をサポート
• 戦況によってストーリーが変化していくマルチシナリオを採用。


Back of Box - SNES (JP)


Sie sind ein Jagdpilot der Spitzenklasse, aber selbst die härteste Ausbildung konnte Sie nicht auf das vorbereiten, was Sie hier erwartet. Die Luftkämpfe gegen die kilrathischen Asse sind tödlich, und bei jedem Ihrer Einsätze geht es um das Schicksal der Menschheit!

Mit Wing Commander geraten Sie mitten ins intensivste Kampfgeschehen, das Sie jemals außerhalb eines Kinos erlebt haben. Und bei Wing Commander sind Sie der Star!

* Erleben Sie die phantastischen Computergrafiken und das Soundsystem von ORIGIN. Bewundern Sie die mit Ray-Tracing-Technik erstellten detailreichenBilder in ORIGINS unübertroffener 3-D-Darstellung.

* Lassen Sie sich von dem dynamischen Soundtrack mitreißen, in dem Stimmung und Tempo der Action auf dem Bildschirm widergespiegelt werden.

* Erklimmen Sie als Pilot einer der vier einzigartigen terranischen Raumjäger die Karriereleiter, und bekämpfen Sie die bedrohliche feindliche Raumschiffflotte.

* Beobachten Sie die Kampfhandlungen aus jedem Blickwinkel mit der vom Spieler gesteuerten Kamera.

* Vertrauen Sie auf Ihren Rottenkameraden, der dank des KI-Systems von Wing Commander ein hervorragender Pilot ist, aber werden Sie nicht übermütig - der Feind versteht auch etwas vom Fliegen!

* Fliegen Sie zum Spaß einzelne Einsätze, oder nehmen Sie an einem großen Feldzug teil, bei dem Ihr Reaktionsvermögen und Ihre taktischen Fähigkeiten auf die Probe gestellt werden.


Back of Box - DOS [Bomico Budget Edition] (DE)

In The Distant Future, Mankind Is LockedIn A Deadly War...

2629 A.D.
Terran Confederation exploration ship, lason, penetrates the Vega Sector and encounters a spacecraft of unknown origin. lason Commander, Jedora Andropolous, beams the greeting designed by Earth's Committee for Interaction with Alien Intelligences. The alien vessel opens up with all guns, destroying the lason and all hands.

2634 A.D.
The Terran Confederation declares war on the Empire of Kilrah in the Vega Sector. The Kilrathi, a vicious catlike race, retaliate with a punitive strike against the human colony on McAuliffe. After days of intense combat, the Kilrathi spearhead is momentarily broken.

2639 A.D.
Kilrathiforces occupy and enslave the human world of Enyo. In Phase I of the Enyo Engagement, a small human attack force drops space mines and engages enemy ships. As the Kilrathi escape the mined region, they belatedly realize that it is the jump point for Phase II of the attack. The Enyo Engagement ends with the Kilrathi forced into retreat.

2649 R.O.
Terran ground forces launch an attack on a Kilrathi colonial fortification, but are routed by unexpected Kilrathifighter -craft support. TCS Tiger's Claw fights a delaying action to give the Terran fleet time to reach safety. The Tiger's Claw is able to jump back into Terran space with most of its engines destroyed and half of its pilots listed as casualties. The carrier spends six months in space dock, being repaired and refitted.

You are a rookie pilot on the refurbished Tiger's Claw. You will learn your mission objectives for attacking and fighting the Kilrathi in secret briefings onboard the mother ship.


Inside of Manual - SNES (US)

Contributed by Xoleras, Zovni, WONDERなパン, jean-louis, lugnut, Jeanne, Trixter, JPaterson.

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