Great Soccer

aka: Sports Pad Soccer, Super Futebol, World Soccer
Moby ID: 35894

World Soccer™

Dribble, passes, corner kicks, etc. Retrieve the opponent's ball by tackling. Get past his strong defense with an overhead shot. Take advantage of a split—second unguarded goal and head the ball into the net. Also features Penalty Kicks to decide a tie game. (For 1 or 2 players)

Dribbeln, Abgeben, Freistoß, etc. Holen Sie sich den Ball vom Gegner. Umgehen Sie die Verteidigung mit einem Weitschuß über ihre Köpfe hinweg. Nutzen Sie den Bruchteil der Sekunde, in dem das Tor ungedeckt ist und erzielen Sie einen Treffer. Mit Elfmeterschießen, um untentschiedene Spiele zu beenden.(Für 1 oder 2 Spieler)

Dribbles, passes, corner, etc. Récupérez la balle de l'adversaire par une feinte. Passez la défense adverse avec un shoot lobé. Profiter d'une ouverture et d'une seconde d'inattention du goal pour marquer un but. Les tirs de penalty sont aussi là pour décider du gagnant de la partie. (Pour 1 ou 2 joueurs)

Regateos, pases, saques de esquina, etc. Robe la pelota a su contrario. Rompa el bloqueo con un cabezazo. Aproveche un descuido del defensa y meta la pelota en la red. También hay desepate a penalties. (Para 1 o 2 jugadores)

Scarta, passa, calcia...tira! Soff ia la pelle all'avversario e lascia di stucco la difesa con un formidabile colpo di testa. Fatti largo...ecco, un momento di disattenzioni e spari la pelle in rete. Ci sono anche i calci di rigore per decidere una partita alle pari. (Per 1 o 2 giocatori)


Back of Cartridge Case - SMS (DE-FR-IT-SP-UK)

Great Soccer™

Get ready to play like a professional on this fast-paced soccer green. Your arena? It's international and you're up against the best soccer teams in the world.

Will you play with Italian passion, Argentine stamina or the calculating cool of the West Germans? Maybe you'll want to push the young U.S.A. team to championship status.

Your strategy: combine athletic skill and accurate timing to win points and block goals. And it won't be easy. Your opponents are touch and after the glory.

So pass, dribble and kick your way to victory. You've got the ball, now run with it.


Back of Case - Sega Master System (US)

Contributed by Hipolito Pichardo, jean-louis.

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