The Bouncer

Moby ID: 3825

Critic Reviews add missing review

Average score: 62% (based on 36 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 3.4 out of 5 (based on 37 ratings with 2 reviews)

One of the biggest disappointments in the history of videogames!

The Good
This game has some of the most gorgeous graphics to ever grace the computer/TV screen and is a bit of retro action.

The Bad
Cast your minds back to when the PS2 was originally announced and you first saw movies of the bouncer. Remember matrix style attacks? remember crashing through tables. Remember falling through broken barriers to the floor below. This looked like it was gonna be a fighting gamer's dream. But somewhere between then and now everything when terribly wrong. This is the most linear scrolling fight-em up. Even final fight and streets of rage were more than this. You can in no way pickup any weapons or interact in any way at all with the world around you making this soooo boring. You simply punch and kick and that really is about it. It is section after section of repetitive button pressing linked by about 9 cut scenes

The Bottom Line
This looked amazing but was the biggest disappointment in recent times. Square...........shame on you

PlayStation 2 · by Matthew Bailey (1257) · 2001

It isn't that bad

The Good
The graphics and videos of this game are of a high quality giving smooth enjoyable gameplay, furthermore the advancement and building up of your character is a great addition.

The Bad
While the single player game is very good, the other modes are somewhat lacking and there are many better mulitplayer beatem ups out there.

The Bottom Line
A fun mindless and strangely addictive concoction of good graphics and gameplay.

PlayStation 2 · by David Power (1) · 2003

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by nyccrg, lights out party, Alsy, DreinIX, Jeanne, Big John WV, mikewwm8, Wizo, Patrick Bregger, SAGA_, Gianluca Santilio, Parf, sayewonn wisseh, firefang9212, vedder, Lain Crowley.