Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002: Professional Edition

aka: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002: Professional Edition - As Real As It Gets, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002: Professional Edition - Ein realistisches Flugerlebnis, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002: Édition Professionnelle - La référence de la simulation de vol
Moby ID: 42342

Windows screenshots

This splash screen is displayed as the simulator loads.
The new Cessna 208 Grand Caravan on the ground on an airstrip in Florida, USA
The new aircraft appear in the flight simulator's library and are indistinguishable from the standard set of planes.
The Rayethon BE58 Baron on the ground at a Florida airstrip. This model has moving surfaces and a moving rudder
The Rayethon BE58 Baron in flight showing the details of the undercarriage.
The Rayethon BE58 Baron's cockpit. There's also a virtual cockpit view.
One of the new features introduced in the Professional version is an editor. This is it's start up screen.
Within the aircraft editor one of the first tasks is to define the kind of aircraft being designed. Why are there no bi-plane gliders?
This is the screen that is used to design the aircraft instrument panel.
This screen consists of tabbed panels that define the flight dynamics.
The editing tool is called gmax and it can be used to create everything from aircraft to scenery and more. Both it and its help function, shown here, are run separately to the flight simulator
Another feature of the professional version is the Flight Instructor's Station. It allows one pilot to mentor another.
The first action of the Instructor's Station is to establish an internet connection with the other player. This is the same screen as is used in the simulator's multiplayer option.
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