Penguin Puzzle

Moby ID: 47007

Windows screenshots

The game's title screen
The game's menu
There's a comprehensive tutorial which explains the game and allows the player to make the moves
This is from the tutorial but it's the same in the game. Having made a square of four cubes the penguins trapped within are freed
A quick game summary is played before a game starts
The start of a game. A power-up is granted if the shape in the bonus window is created
Whenever the player makes a move new cubes are created. The speckled patterns show where the next cubes will materialise and what colour they will be
The first bonus shape has been created and has made a bomb available to blast awkward cubes. A new bonus shape has been revealed and the player has also levelled up
Advancing to level three. At the bottom of the screen is a progress bar. This normally shows progress on the current level, when advancing to the next level it shows progress to the bonus level
The bonus level. Simply click on groups of same-coloured tiles to make them disappear. Bonuses for groups of seven or more and for clearing them all
The end of a bonus level. Sunflowers appear to fill all vacant cells whether all cubes are cleared or not
Here the completion of a bonus shape has generated a bonus cube. This one is used to clear all cubes of a specified colour
Clearing sets of cubes in quick succession generates a double score bonus
The high score table
Penguin Puzzle was included as a bonus game with DROP! Both games are accessed via a single entry in eGames' Game Butler
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