Global Agenda

Moby ID: 48197

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Average score: 70% (based on 22 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 2.7 out of 5 (based on 7 ratings with 1 reviews)

This game takes 1% from Borderlands and tries to present it as a real game.

The Good
I didn't like this game at all, but keep in mind that his game is for free, so it's most certainly worth your money (I guess). I really like the idea of offering games for free because it is a great way to show everybody what you have created, you will always attract a decent audience because people tend to be curious, some people will like it and stick around while people who don't will just enjoy themselves for an hour or two before deleting it again. If anything it at least shows the company is human and can be generous which in this day and age counts for a lot to me.

Combat works, that is the only thing I can mention. You can fly around in a jetpack and fight-off enemies without any trouble. I like it that the game started-out by giving me a glowing axe before handing me a pretty standard gun. Later on I also received a mini-gun which I was able to replace with a rocket launcher, both of which worked perfectly fine and had different effects on enemies. I also like it that you can zoom and walk at the same time.

The game looks pretty nice for a free game, even on the lowest settings. There is a lot of shiny metal and glowing items on the screen which nicely mixes the black sci-fi style with what sometimes looks like a fireworks-show. Of course there are also the bullets which for some reason are replaced with colorful beams, it doesn't make much sense to me, but it does make the combat look a lot more interesting.

The Bad
Here is what happens when you want to play this game for the first time: you download the game on Steam and wait roughly an hour for the download to finish, you start the game, you spend twenty minutes installing a whole load of programs that the game needs in order to work, you arrive on the title screen, you alt-tab back to your desktop, you go to the freaking website to make a new account for this game, you log-in, you join the queue (there is almost always a line you have to wait in that can take from three minutes to more than an hour), you finally get to play the game. DO YOU SEE WHY THIS IS INCREDIBLY ANNOYING!

There isn't much to see in this, it's your standard evil-government story and the areas consist of wasteland and futuristic cities. If World of Warcraft thought us anything, it's that in order for a big open world to feel interesting, you are going to need interesting locations with a lot of variety. After I left Dome City I was welcomed by an enormous desert with nothing but the same stones and sand all over the place, I would be kinder to this if it wasn't for the terribly slow movement that draws from the same energy-pool as your guns.

The menus were very unresponsive which is incredibly annoying. The first time I noticed this the game ordered me to click on an open spot in my key bindings, so it would show me what items I could put in there, but no matter how often I clicked on the open spot, it just wouldn't work. Later on I also discovered the quest-windows had this problem, I had to click like thirty times before it would let me accept or finish a quest. I don't think this was due to lag because I could move and do everything without any delayed response, so it's definitely a problem with the menus.

The game fails to explain everything it contains properly, every time you unlock something new it rubs a text-tutorial in your face. Why not just tell me how to use the axe? I know what an axe is, so all you had to tell me was "right-click to kill stuff and left-click to defend yourself" The same goes for the gun. I hate it when games just feel like explaining their mechanics with too much detail. When I was given the mini-gun I didn't understand it, I thought it was a turret and never used it until much later, why?, well because the tutorial didn't just tell me what the thing did and how to use it.

The Bottom Line
Maybe Global Agenda will blossom into a wonderful and innovative games sometime after I stopped, but right now it's just a sci-fi-shooter with some RPG element randomly thrown-in. If you want to play a really good RPG mixed with a Shooter, you should try Borderlands. If you are only around to play the PvP part of this game you should try Team Fortress 2, which is also a terrible game, but at least it's more functional than this terrible game.

If the producer would iron-out the massive flaws and completely redesign the overworld and story this game could have some potential, but until then it's just space-shooter number 83923 to me.

Windows · by Asinine (956) · 2011

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Cavalary, Patrick Bregger, Alsy, Cantillon, Jeanne, Paul Ryan.