Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender

Moby ID: 539


Audio Logs

In addition to the already humorous manual the game originally came with Rex's "voice-activated auto-transcribing audio log" (actually a transcript of said log). This 20-plus page fiction gave a deeper insight into Rex, and described the events that led him to Terra Androgena in much more detail that in the opening sequence.

Written by Steve Meretzky, the log was also pretty funny to read, with highlights like reading an entry where he goes on and on about how exited he is about his new log and how he's gonna make an entry every single day, only to read that his next entry is a year later and reads "what the hell is this piece of junk?


The game is rather bugs-free, however there is a nasty one by the end of the game. Spoiler alert - when you make bombs make sure that you DO NOT make chicken bomb until the city is flooded. The game seems to check if you have "chicken" item in your inventory before you place the first bomb (timebomb) and "chicken bomb" will not count as such and the game will not let you continue.

If you had 4 megabyte (or more) memory in your PC, items in your inventory would spin instead of standing still.


There appears to be four (4) possible endings to Rex Nebular: - The "A Quick Death" ending - The "Honorable Death" ending - The "Victory!" ending, and - The "Decompression" ending

The First of Many!

Rex Nebular was the first game that Sid Meier protege Brian Reynolds worked on with MicroProse.

MADS engine

Rex Nebular was prominently advertized as the first game to use the MADS engine (MicroProse Adventure Development System......SCUMM anyone?) used in other games like Dragonsphere.

Information also contributed by Garcia, Nakre Nakresson, Indra was here, and PCGamer77

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Trivia contributed by jeff leyda, Zovni, mailmanppa.