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Turrican II: The Final Fight

aka: Turrican 2, Turrican II
Moby ID: 6468

“Turrican 2 is an awesome game! The graphics are simply amazing and incredibly smooth, arcade fans need look no further for the ultimate shoot ‘em up experience!” – 94% C&VG (Amiga)

“This massive game is a lot tougher than the original! The variety of grpahcis and gameplay will keep you playing forever” – 96% Zzap! (Amiga)

“It’s so addictive it should carry a Government health warning. If you only buy one game, get Turrican 2. You won’t feel cheated.” – 90% ST User


Back of Kixx reissue box - Amiga/ST (UK)



Parfois, quand vous êtes seul et que tout qui vous est cher a été détruit...

ce qu'il vous reste... tout ce que vous recherchez, c'est la VENGEANCE!

  • Jeu D'Action a Plusieurs Niveaux
  • Défilement fluide en VGA Parallax
  • Action super rapide
  • Des dizaines d'ennemis redoutables
  • Bande son entièrement numérisée
  • Système d'armement inouï
  • De nombreux bonus cachés à découvrir

TURRICAN II — un grand classique des jeux d'action pour PC!

Landorin. Il était une fois un monde prospère plein de vie, dont il ne reste désormais que des ruines où des monstres mécaniques errent à la recherche de quelques survivants.

Pourtant, au dernier moment, les derniers rebels survivants parviennent à envoyer un message de SOS à l'Univers. Seul un homme peut les secourir. Son habilité au combat entrerait alors dans la légende...### TURRICAN!



Back of Box - DOS (FR)

SPECTRUM 128K,+2 Cassette


"You'll never be able to complain about the lack of variety in TURRICAN II ..... in fact you begin to wonder if you are playing the spectrum version." CRASH SMASH (Spectrum). "A triumph of programming, everything a sequel should be made of and more, it only remains for me to say- "It's a corker." ZZAP 96% (C64). "The sheer size and variety of this game is the hardest thing to get used to. It plays brilliantly and it looks so good... what an absolute stonker! The King of Shoot-Em-Ups...easily the best!" AMSTRAD ACTION 95%.


Back of Cassette Case (Kixx) - ZX Spectrum (UK)



Die Menschheit hat Werte, wie Teamgeist, Erfahrung, Ehrgeiz, Freundschaft. Doch manchmal,...

...wenn das Unbekannte ins Spiel Kommt, ist man plötzlich allein - dann zählt nur noch eins: RACHE!

  • 7 Mega-waffen
  • über 1500 Screens
  • versteckte Extras
  • viele bildschirmgroße Endgegner
  • einmaliger Digital Soundtrack

Turrican II ist ein Spiel, wie Sie es auf dem PC noch nie gesehen haben. Superschnelle, exzellent gezeichnete Grafik gepaart mit einem abwechslungsreichen Leveldesign, bieten ein Action- und Abenteuererlebnis der Sonderklasse.### TURRICAN - OR YOU'RE TOAST


Back of Box - DOS (DE)

The Final Fight

TURRICAN fought an epic battle against Morgul and won a stunning victory against great odds. Once again he embarks on a rescue mission. Five worlds and twelve levels await him in his Final Fight against the remnants of Morgul's creation.

The One "excellent graphics, fantastic animation, a brilliant use of colour and shading and, In the shoot 'em up sections, Incredible speed"

"This is easily one of the best shoot 'em ups to date and could sit quite happily in any arcade".

Zero "An essential purchase. A gigantic game."

C & VG "With its arcade quality scroll, amazing colour fades and lam-hot playability, Turrican 2 is something of an awesome game!"

ZZap "Possibily the game for 1991 (and it's only January!)"

"A truly remarkable programming achievement and a great game to play -its like having an orginal coin-op in your bedroom!"

"It's unparalleled technically, but married to artistic genius."

Commodore Format "The technical and visual excellence of the game, not to mention the superb playability throughout this vast title, can't be praised too highly."### ISTRUZIONI ITALIANO



Back of Box - C64 (IT-UK)

The Final Fight

So you think you know about the hidden secrets & treasures, you know about the 7 mega-weapons, like the flame thrower, you know how TURRICAN moves and looks like, you know about the huge mazes and 5 different worlds spread over 1500 screens, so what don't you know? ...YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET!

Du glaubst also, Du weißt alles über die versteckten Extras, alles über die 7 Superwaffen, wie z.B. den Flammenwerfer, Du weißt wie TURRICAN aussieht und sich bewegt, Du kennst die riesigen Labyrinthe, die 5 verschiedenen Welten auf über 1500 Screens - das glaubst Du ...DOCH DAS WAR NUR DER ANFANG!

Si tu es persuadé, que les supers armes comme par exemple le lance-flammes, les bonus, les immenses labyrinthes, les 5 mondes et leurs 1500 tableaux n'ont plus de secret pour toi, si tu crois que tu sais à quoi ressemble TURRICAN et comment il se déplace, jette donc un coup d'oeil ä Turrican II... TURRICAN I N'ETAIT QU'UN DEBUT!### ISTRUZIONI ITALIANE COMPRESE



Back of Box - Atari ST/C64 (DE-FR-IT)

The Final Fight

TURRICAN fought an epic battle against Morgul and won a stunning victory against great odds. Once again he embarks on a rescue mission. Five worlds and twelve levels await him in his Final Fight against the remnants of Morgul's creation.

The One "excellent graphics, fantastic animation, a brilliant use of colour and shading and, In the shoot 'em up sections, Incredible speed"

"This is easily one of the best shoot 'em ups to date and could sit quite happily in any arcade".

Zero "An essential purchase. A gigantic game."

C & VG "With its arcade quality scroll, amazing colour fades and lam-hot playability, Turrican 2 is something of an awesome game!"

ACE "Turrican is wonderfull to look at and better to play."

"Supremely playable and very tough."

ST Format Effects - "Great care and attention have been lavished on the look of the game... excellent variety... the programmers use the ST's hardware to good effect."

ST Action "A cracking game that shouldn't be missed."

ZZap "Possibily the game for 1991 (and it's only January!)"

"A truly remarkable programming achievement and a great game to play -its like having an orginal coin-op in your bedroom!"

"It's unparalleled technically, but married to artistic genius."

Commodore Format "The technical and visual excellence of the game, not to mention the superb playability throughout this vast title, can't be praised too highly."# TURRICAN II™


Back of Box - Atari ST (UK)

Contributed by jean-louis, Martin Smith.

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