Puzzler 1000 Crosswords

Moby ID: 65351

Windows screenshots

This is the game's load screen. It disappears when the mouse button is clicked.
After entering their identity the player can choose a crossword from any of the five 'books'.
All crosswords run in a window that cannot be resized. The player selects a clue by clicking on the crossword or on the clue list. They then type their answer which appears in the small window
If the player is stuck there is a concede word function. There is also a concede game function for use when there is no hope
When a game is completed there's a nice 'Well Done' message
This is the high score table. The game allows multiple players to use the game so scores can be compared and ranked here.
There are five different display options for the crossword grid. When the player opts to change the settings this sub window pops up
Playing a game using the Tuscan display option
Puzzles can be printed. When the player chooses to do so the game offers a selection of print options in this sub window
Puzzles can be printed with or without the clues entered on screen. When they are the game ignores any display settings, this game used the Tuscan setting, and inserts the Puzzler logo
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