Barney Under the Sea

aka: Barney Under The Sea- A Super-dee-duper™ Early Learning Adventure, Microsoft Barney Under the Sea
Moby ID: 70025

Windows screenshots

The game's title screen
This is the game's menu. There are six hot spots, one is hidden behind Barney who's explaining what to do
This game is BJ's Giant Shell. As with all the games in this title there are three levels of difficulty and an 'explore' option
This is BJ's Giant Shell where the player has to identify and click on body parts. BJ says the part and if the player gets it wrong Barney helps by showing the player a picture
This is Professor Tinkerputt's Dive Site On levels one and two the professor says a number and the player has to stack up that number of shells. Level three introduces stack comparison
Professor Tinkerputt's Dive Site As with all the games, cute animations and praise from Barney and friends is used as a reward for getting the answer right
This is Trisha's Treasure Chest. It's a 'spot-the-difference' game which is easy when played on level one like this.
This is Trisha's Treasure Chest. It's a 'spot-the-difference' game which is not so easy when played on level three like this.
This is the Video Submarine where short clips from the TV show can be played
This is Baby Bop's Mermaid Castle, level two, where the player puts one object in the room on the right and another in the room on the left
In Hootin' Annie's Undersea Cave level one the player has to identify and click on the animal shown on the card Annie is holding
In Hootin' Annie's Undersea Cave level three the player clicks on the animal shown on the card Annie is holding. The animal is identified by the sound it makes as the cursor rolls over it
The game's exit screen
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