Gumball 3000

Moby ID: 81685

PlayStation 2 screenshots

After the company logos and a screen saying that no-one supports illegal street racing comes a video montage that mixes real life shots together with in-game shots and arty effects
The cover art is shown again at the end of the video montage, the model is Vanessa Upton
The title screen
The main menu
The game controls for player one. These can be reconfigured
The Spirit Of Gumball game menu
The car selection screen is common to all game modes. The vehicle rotates while a buxom lady dances beside it. There are twenty one vehicles but most are locked at the start of the game
The load screen for a Spirit Of Gumball Single Race.
Gumball Squad and Gumball King game modes are locked until the player has sufficient Gumball points
In the Spirit Of Gumball - Gumball Gallery the player can view the tasks for each stage and their points value. This is from the UK's Airport Dash
The Gumball 3000 race is a single player game in which the player starts in the UK, flies to Spain then races across Europe to Baden Baden before returning
The Gumball 3000 starts with another video montage. This screen is shown as the narrator explains that, as a novice, the player will start in position 21 and their goal is to finish 19th or higher
This is the starting grid for the Spanish Orange Grove time trial. The same course is used during the race - just with more cars
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