Arthur's Reading Games

Moby ID: 92113

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Windows screenshots

The first title screen
The second title screen
The main menu, all options are explained by D.W. <br>If left alone for long enough the game plays a tune and D.W. starts dancing
The I Spy location menu
Playing I Spy: The chosen location is The Zoo, here's D.W. explaining the difficulty settings
Playing I Spy: This looks pretty simple and boring, the word is 'building' so all the player has to do is click on the building. However there's so much more going on it could actually be fun
The Race Game: The player is shown a picture and must identify the correct word from the list provided. Once they do so the word is swapped for the picture and vice versa, then the character starts mo
The Race Game: At the end of the race game the player reaches the ice cream shop where there are wild flavours to be tasted, this is Frog Chip
The location menu for Let Me Write
Playing 'Let Me Write' in the garage. In any sentence the verb, here it's 'cooked', is fixed but 'backpack' and 'hat' can be replaced by dragging any item from the picture in to replace them
Read To Me: Here the game reads the book 'Arthur'e Reading Race' in which Arthur challenges his younger sister D.W. to read 10 words
The Pick A Page selection sceen
Let Me Play: This replays all pages in sequence but pauses to allow the player to find hotspots. This is the first page, clicking on the piano plays the pianola and the teacher sings
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