The Simpsons Wrestling

Moby ID: 3526

Critic Reviews add missing review

Average score: 39% (based on 23 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 2.9 out of 5 (based on 22 ratings with 4 reviews)

A Simpsons Playstation game at last!

The Good
Well first of all, it's the first Playstation game to feature The Simpsons, and it mixes humor and wrestling in a unique way, also it's got the voice cast from the cartoon series, that should please fans.

The Bad
The game itself is rather limited, it seems as if the game was rushed, the graphics are a bit too dull and there are a lack of characters, game modes, and even secret modes to extend the longtivity of the game, which is rather dissapointing since Simpsons fans have been waiting for a Playstation game to feature the Simpsons for a long time

The Bottom Line
If you are a Simpsons fan, you'll like this, but other gamers might not like this

PlayStation · by Grant McLellan (584) · 2001

Play it because you want more Simpsons quotes in your life... NOT because you want a good wrestling game

The Good
Okay first of all, the characters chosen as wrestlers are hilarious (Bumblebee Man, Professor Frink, Apu to name a few), and the voice acting to represent them is top notch. The characters taunt one another before, after and during battle... and occasionally it can be scripted between two specific characters so what they say isn't generic and actually pertains to one another. There's some familiar one-liners... there's some brand new voice quips and some of it is just as memorable. Also, random voice quips come from the "crowd" in various locations... letting Reverend Lovejoy say something during a match... or Kent Brockman... who announces during the fights.

The Bad
As a game however, Simpsons wrestling suffers badly in both Gameplay and Graphics.... although it may be fun to play as the Simpsons, the town of Springfield never looked so bad. The fighters in the ring are in disfigured polygon 3D... and outside the ring, the background art is made up of sloppy drawing and 2D paper-thin characters.

You'll get no help trying to control your Simpsons characters either. It's hard for each character to pull off their moves and several of the moves are cheap in nature. Things like exploding bottles of alcohol and Barney's burping attack.... Bart throws a skateboard and Apu runs across the screen punching wildly... they're certainly fun in nature, but simply aren't good movies in a gameplay sense. In addition, it's difficult to knock your opponent down, heck.. it's difficult to attack in the proper direction towards your opponent.... and should you knock them down, there's no guarantee you'll use the controls to navigate well enough to go pin them.

The Bottom Line
The game seems rushed.... as if there could have been better 3D and smoother textures/backgrounds made in here, but weren't. I can only assume the beta testers were amazed by the top notch voice acting and laughing so much at new Simpsons lines that they didn't realize the game played like a dog. I recommend taking the same view.

On the other hand, this probably ranks as one of the better Simpsons games :P

PlayStation · by Shoddyan (15006) · 2003

This isn't the worst Simpsons game, but it is pretty bad

The Good
The only real thing that I liked about this game was that they actually got all the voice actors from the show. Everyone sounds as they should.

The Bad
The main thing I didn't like was the gameplay itself. It's too unbalanced. I mean, it's only natural that some characters would be better than others. But in this game, there's almost no balance. This is especially true with Ned Flanders, who has one more life than any other character. The other thing is the graphics. They aren't as bad as some other games, but there's much room for improvement. The characters look somewhat like Lego sculptures and the rings themselves look like a five year old's drawings.

The Bottom Line
If you're a die-hard Simpsons fan, then you might like this game. However, I strongly advise anyone else to avoid it.

PlayStation · by J.D. Majors (14) · 2009

It isn't great, but there's worse.

The Good
The game has a very addicting soundtrack, especially with the Krustylu Studios level theme.

The entire cast is here to voice the cast, bringing about lines that capture the true spirit of The Simpsons

The Bad
The graphics are kinda meh, though this was probably intentional to replicate the animation in The Simpsons while having to deal with graphical limitations on the PlayStation.

In spite of being a wrestling game, the sport barely utilized in the gameplay.

Sometimes, the characters could clip through one another, but thankfully, this isn't game breaking and any player could complete a level with ease,.

The Bottom Line
This game is more enjoyable to die-hard Simpsons fans, mainly for the music and the humor. Casual gamers could enjoy the game as well. As opposed to The Simpsons: Skateboarding, it's not frustrating to gamers of any class.

PlayStation · by Channeleven (7) · 2015

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Big John WV, nyccrg, Xoleras, Cavalary, Alsy, Hipolito Pichardo, mikewwm8, Lain Crowley, Jacob Gens, Wizo.