Shogo: Mobile Armor Division

aka: Heavy Metal, Riot: Mobile Armor, Yarost': Vosstanie na Kronuse
Moby ID: 1141

The single biggest thing that points to an anime heritage in a game is the existence of anthropomorphic, robotic battle armor. Alot of different cultures create mechs, BattleTech armor and such. But the Japanese created the "Mecha"; the machine that moves like a man.

In the game, missions will be played on foot and in MCA ("mobile combat armor" which can also be pronounced "mecha"). The two types of missions will differ in many ways. Adventures in your favorite MCA (choices will number four, but other MCA exist in the game) will take place in huge, open areas like cities, underground caves and huge factories.

Being 30' tall has its advantages. You will have the ability to stomp on cars, trees and people (and theoretically, on-foot enemy). Being able to carry a few tonne in your arms all so advantages. The weapons are huge. Everything from the Celsior AS-10 (that weight a measly 272kg) to the MT-101 (that sits at a heftier 760kg).


Unknown Source

Forget what you think you know about giant robots ...

The Andra Predator MCA runs, jumps, ducks, strafes, swims, and transforms into an ultrafast hovertank. And because the Predator is as responsive and agile as its human pilot, it can do anything you can do, only better, faster, and five times the scale. You may have driven giant robots, but you have never piloted Mobile Command Armor.

Until now.

Game Features * Choose to pilot one of four transformable Mobile Combat Armor units (MCAs) * Two modes of play - on foot and in MCA * Anime - inspired characters and storyline * True 3D environments with realistic lighting, indoor levels, vast outdoor terrains and awesome effects * Over 30 challenging enemies that use the environment to their advantage, activate alarms or spring traps * Dynamic storyline and goal-based mission structure evolves based on your actions * Seperate MCA and on-foot arsenals for a total of 18 pumped-up weapons * Multiplayer action includes built-in Internet, Lan and modem support * Full Direct3D support for superior graphics performance


Back of box

You may have driven giant robots, but you've never piloted Mobile Combat Armor - until now! It can do anything you can do, only better, faster, and at five times the scale.

Multi-player action includes built in Internet, LAN and modem support.

Full Direct 3D support for superior graphics performance.

Anime inspired characters and storyline.

**Over 30 challenging enemies that use the environment to their advantage, activate alarms or spring traps.

True 3D environments with realistic lighting, indoor levels, vast outdoor terrains and awesome effects.

Choose to pilot one of four transformable Mobile Combat Armor units (MCAs).

Dynamic Storyline and goal-based mission structure evolves based on your action.

Two modes of play - on food and in MCA.**


Back Cover - budget "Dual Jewel"

Ação frenética com pitadas do melhor dos Animes japoneses

Uma revolução sem precedentes está prestes a acontecer no planeta de Cronus. Sabe-se que lá se encontra a única fonte conhecida de material biologicamente ativo, uma fonte de energia inacreditavelmente poderosa e essencial para os avanços das viagens interestelares. Uma organização misteriosa, conhecida apenas pelo nome Fallen está pronta para enfrentar qualquer exército que tente impedi-la de conquistar Cronus e se apossar de toda fonte de energia. No papel do jovem militar Sanjuro Makabe, você é enviado pelas forças contrárias a Fallen para impedi-la de consquistar o planeta. Muita ação está reservada no seu caminho. Mas, além das batalhas, grandes revelações sobre seu passado também podem vir à tona. Prepare seu coração e esteja pronto para derrotar qualquer inimigo que apareça em suas batalhas.

Características - Batalhas quentes com as 20 melhores opções em armamento bélico - História envolvente com opção de interação entre todos personagens - Modo multiplayer destruidor para você enfrentar seus amigos e inimigos


Back of Keep Case - Windows, CD Expert covermount (Brazil)

Shogo casts you in the role of Sanjuro Makabe, a Mobile Combat Armor pilot and Commander in the UCA Security Force. Control ultra-powerful mecha that run, jump, duck, strafe, swim, and stomp on enemy personnel. Wield gigantic, super-destructive weapons, and transform into a hover tank in 800 milliseconds flat. You may have driven giant robots, but you've never piloted Mobile Combat Armor... Until now.


Official game's website

Полностью переведенная на русский язык и адаптированная версия игры "Shogo. Mobile armor division" (Издатели за пределами СНГ: Monolith Production/Takarajimasha)

Трехмерная аркадная игра с увлекательным сюжетом. Действие игры происходит на планете Кронус, единственном месте во вселенной, где добывают "като". "Като" - это уникальное вещество, с помощью энергии которого можно передвигаться на огромные расстояния за ничтожно малое время.

Уже много лет контроль над планетой осуществлял альянс TBS. Но на планете вспыхнуло восстание "Падших", так называли себя повстанцы. Молодому капитану Санджуро Макабе поручена сложная миссия: убить вождя Падших - таинственного незнакомца Габриэля, авторитет и революционные методы которого представляют наибольшую угрозу.

В "Ярости" сюжет играет не меньшую роль, чем в кинобоевике. Сложные переплетения отношений главного героя с персонажами игры, любовные истории, дружба и предательство, все это увлекает игрока и заставляет эмоционально переживать все происходящее в игре.

Особенности игры

  • динамическое освещение;
  • превосходные спецэффекты;
  • максимальное использование возможностей 3D-акселератора;
  • четыре типа роботов;
  • два режима игры (обычным пехотинцем и в гигантском МСА роботе);
  • более 40 нелинейных миссий;
  • динамический сюжет, зависящий от Ваших собственных действий;
  • более 30 типов различных врагов, способных не только стрелять, но и отнимать у Вас ресурсы, вызывать подмогу и расставлять ловушки;
  • более 20 видов смертельного оружия в отдельных арсеналах для роботов и пехотинцев.


Contributed by Jeanne, chirinea, jean-louis, Klaster_1, Derrick 'Knight' Steele, Roedie.

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